Vegan Life

Cauliflowe­r & Broccoli Truffle Mac 'N' Cheese

Serves 4


Who doesn't enjoy a comforting bowl of mac ‘n' cheese? Especially when it is also anti-inflammato­ry!

• 800g (28.2oz) macaroni pasta (cooked in salted water)

• 180g (6.3oz) fresh broccoli florets

• 200g (7oz) fresh cauliflowe­r florets

• 85g (3oz) grated vegan cheese

• 50g (1.7oz) breadcrumb­s (optional topping but adds crunch)

For the Roux Sauce:

• 3 tbsp vegan butter or sunflower oil

• 2 tbsp self-raising flour

• 240ml (8fl oz) plant-based milk

• 1 tbsp truffle oil

• Salt and pepper to taste

• 4 tbsp nutritiona­l yeast

• ½ tsp smoked paprika

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C/360°F/Gas 4.

2 Melt the butter or oil in a non-stick saucepan.

3 Add the flour and bring together.

4 Slowly add the milk and whisk gently, mixing all the time. Keep adding milk until it has all been added and combined well into the flour mix to create a creamy texture. Add truffle oil, salt and pepper, nutritiona­l yeast and smoked paprika. If the mixture is too thick, add more milk. If the mixture is too runny, add a little more flour.

Add to a big mixing bowl with the pasta and vegetables and stir through. Transfer to a baking dish, top with vegan cheese (and breadcrumb­s, if using) and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Enjoy with a side salad.

Ginger and turmeric

Ginger contains chemicals that are antioxidan­ts, anti-inflammato­ry and antibacter­ial. Studies show that it helps ease severe inflammati­on associated with rheumatoid arthritis, too. Likewise, turmeric has become a truly popular ingredient in the Western diet. Not only can it be added fresh in curries and stews, but it also serves huge benefits when added to hot tea (lemon, turmeric and maple syrup) and in fresh juices and smoothies. Turmeric is vibrant in colour (yellow) and when working with it in its natural fresh form, I advise wearing gloves! One of the chemicals in turmeric inhibits chronic inflammato­ry signals in the body. This eases inflammati­on, which can prevent joint damage, arthritis, heart disease and liver damage.

Reducing inflammati­on in the body

Inflammati­on (swelling), is part of the body's natural healing system which helps fight injury and infection. Some of the ways you can reduce inflammati­on in your body is by:

1.Enjoying anti-inflammato­ry foods (as mentioned above) 2.Cutting back or eliminatin­g inflammato­ry foods. These are foods that contain: a) Refined carbohydra­tes which come in two forms. Sugars — refined and processed sugars, such as sucrose (table sugar), high fructose corn syrup and agave syrup. Refined grains — these are grains that have had the fibrous and nutritious parts removed. The biggest source is white flour made from refined wheat. These can include white bread, white pasta, white rice etc. b) Artificial trans-fats (mostly found in margarine, dairy and meat). c) Processed meat which increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stomach and colon cancer (i.e. bacon, sausage, ham).

3. Reducing alcohol intake: people who drink heavily may develop problems with bacterial toxins moving out of the colon and into the body. This condition, often called ‘leaky gut' can drive widespread inflammati­on that leads to organ damage (primarily liver).

4. Controllin­g blood sugar: monitor the number of sugary treats you enjoy and have these as a treat not a day-to-day habit. Replace sugar cravings with a glass of fresh juice or a smoothie, fresh fruit or vegetables, or a couple of squares of dark chocolate.

5.Make time to exercise: movement plays a key role in overall health and wellbeing. Choose an activity you enjoy and move your body daily.

6.Lose weight: if you have excess weight, it will be beneficial to lose those extra pounds through eating nutritious foods that are well balanced, as well as through moving the body daily to burn those calories.

7. Manage stress: this plays a big role in our overall health. Finding ways to manage stressful situations in our lives is the key to improved physical and mental health. Some ways that can help are meditation (taking a few breaks in silence throughout the day to quieten the body and mind), getting outdoors in the fresh air in green space (parks, forests, rivers) and taking in deep breaths to oxygenate both the lungs, heart and brain, find a hobby you love as the focus goes towards that and away from any stress factors.

For support in any of the areas mentioned, specifical­ly around nutrition, health and wellbeing and all things food related, get in touch.

Written by plant-based chef and nutritioni­st, Guilda Akopians of Rooted Vegan Kitchen, rootedvega­

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