Woman&Home Feel Good You



Tummy fat collects when levels of insulin and cortisol are too high in your system. The first step of any tummy-flattening plan is to lower these levels. The second is to stimulate fat-burning in the tummy area. So how do you do that?

1 Eat only low-GI carbohydra­tes such as wholegrain breads, cereals, pasta and brown rice, rather than white. This lowers the amount of insulin you produce.

2 Have black or green tea with a carb meal. These drinks interfere with the enzymes that break down carbohydra­tes, slowing their digestion and reducing insulin levels.

3 Eat at least one dairy food and one soy food. Calcium in dairy foods has been shown to switch tummy fat cells from storing mode to burning mode.

4 Fill half your plate with fruit and veg at lunch and dinner – particular­ly those packed with high levels of antioxidan­ts like berries, dark green leafy vegetables and tomatoes. The lower your antioxidan­t levels, the higher your levels of tummy fat.

5 Have a portion of oily fish, or eat 25g nuts, seeds, olives and avocado daily – or oils and products made from these. Their healthy fats decrease insulin levels.

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