Woman&Home Feel Good You



Traditiona­l go-tos, like cereal, toast and pastries, are a poor choice, nutritiona­lly, as they’re largely sugar and carbs. A 2006 study found that people who ate a high-protein-based breakfast had decreased levels of ghrelin – a hormone that increases appetite. Try these…

✢ GRANOLA WITH FERMENTED YOGURT Pick a high-fibre, no-added-sugar granola and protein-rich yogurt such as Bio&Me Prebiotic Yogurt, 350g, £1.80, Sainsbury’s.

✢ AVOCADO, ROASTED PEPPERS AND FETA ON WHOLEGRAIN CRACKERS SPRINKLED WITH SEEDS Combines healthy fatty acids with the antioxidan­ts of plant-based foods.

✢ TOASTED SOURDOUGH WITH POACHED EGGS, GRILLED TOMATO AND MUSHROOMS WITH EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL Protein, fat and fibre to keep you satisfied for longer. Grilling tomatoes with oil increases absorption of lycopene, to benefit skin health.

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