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Cut down on boozing to improve your health It’s easier than you think to reduce your alcohol intake. Use these tips from Dr Samantha Miller**…

✢ TRACK WHAT YOU DRINK Keep a diary over several weeks to see if you’re regularly drinking more than the recommende­d maximum of 14 units of alcohol per week. If you are, it’s time to consider reducing your intake.

✢ SET YOURSELF BOUNDARIES Such as having alcohol-free days or weekends. Identify triggers that prompt you to drink and consider alternativ­es. So, if you always have a glass of wine with dinner, consider replacing it with a glass of non-alcoholic fruit juice.

✢ LEARN ABOUT THE RISKS Better your understand­ing of the negative effects of excess alcohol. Drinking is associated with a greater risk of high blood pressure, liver disease and cancer.

✢ START CONVERSATI­ONS Discuss cutting down with family and friends. Telling those around you avoids being offered alcohol, which may lead to you drinking more than you intended.

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