Women's Fitness (UK)

Train like a pro

It’s more than just miles in the saddle, WF talks to the girls in Team Ford Ecoboost to find out how they stay ahead of the pack


Imagine training as part of a real squad, just think about those body and mind benefits. We sat down with Team Ford Ecoboost riders Sophie Fennell, Julie Erskine, Nikki Juniper and Charlotte Broughton to find out about their goals and gains.

How does training as part of the team help your training?

Sophie: ‘I think you benefit a lot from training with others especially on the road because it allows you to understand how other riders ride. It develops your own skills as you pick up techniques from the other riders; it both pushes and motivates you; and it allows less experience­d riders to gain experience from those with more.’

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to women who are inspired to get into cycling now?

Julie: ‘Invest in a decent pair of cycling shorts. Lots of women are put off when it gets sore and uncomforta­ble sitting in the saddle, so a good pair of cycling shorts is key! Don’t worry about how far or how fast you go, just go for it and have fun!’

What do you enjoy the most about training/racing?

Nikki: ‘I love the feeling when I’m finished that I’ve pushed myself as hard as I can. I just love riding my bike and in a sick kind of way I love the pain it inflicts on my body because then I know that I’ve given everything I possibly can.’

When it comes to race nutrition, what really counts for you?

Julie: ‘Team Ford Ecoboost are really lucky to have HIGH5 as our nutrition sponsor this season. I love its Energysour­ce 4:1 drink especially for back-toback races or hard blocks of training. It has whey protein and carbohydra­te in it so as well as providing you with energy to keep going, it also helps to start your recovery process.’

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received when it comes to training?

Charlotte: ‘If your body starts giving you red flags, address them. Now I’m older and understand my body better it keeps me healthy and my training consistent.’

What drives you to train, other than winning?

Nikki:‘ I’m not just training for myself now, I’m training for the team and the fear of failure that if I don’t train then I won’t back up all the hard work the girls do for me.’

‘Don’t worry about how far or how fast you go, just go for it and have fun!’

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