Denise Austin Fit Over 50


Here’s a quick recap of Denise’s pro tips, plus fast facts from this issue!



Page 13: Laugh out loud and do so often. Research shows that not only is laughter good for your immune system and your heart but it tightens your tummy as well! Queue up a funny movie, look up comedians you like online or think of jokes that make you laugh—all of these things will help lighten the mood.

DID YOU KNOW? Walking 10,000 steps each day can reduce your risk of dementia by up to 50%.

Page 16: Take workouts to the next level with Denise Austin Weighted Gloves. Made from soft, comfortabl­e neoprene, these gloves add some resistance to any activity, which is great for sculpting muscle or kicking your cardio session up a bit. These stylish gloves make the perfect workout accessory! Each glove weighs 1 lb. and features a hook and loop strap to customize the fit to your hand. Find them at shop.deniseaust­


Page 37: Restrictin­g yourself too much can have a negative effect on your eating habits. So if you’ve eaten healthfull­y the rest of the day, treat yourself to a small scoop of ice cream. “I love ice cream, and the richer and creamier, the better! When I have an ice cream craving, I don’t deny myself,” Denise says. “Eating full-fat versions versus lower-fat means you will be more satiated and less likely to reach for seconds.” Denise walks to the ice cream shop for a small scoop to go. It’s a win-win for the taste buds and the waistline!

BONUS: Instead of putting brown sugar on your oatmeal, top it with blueberrie­s or mix in mashed bananas. Or, cut out some of the sugar in your baking and add in vanilla, unsweetene­d cocoa, cinnamon or applesauce (and if you use the latter, reduce some of the liquids in the recipe.)

DID YOU KNOW? The average American eats about 17 tsps. of added sugar a day— triple the recommende­d amount for women.


Page 76: Regardless of the steps you take to help keep your bones healthy as you experience menopause, always talk with your doctor! They can recommend specific actions you can take to help make the transition easier, including prescripti­ons and lifestyle suggestion­s to help balance your hormones.


Up to 30% of adults in the U.S. suffer from insomnia, which makes it difficult to snooze soundly.

Page 91: If you can, travel more. Having extra time to explore areas you haven’t been to—or revisiting those you love—is such a joy. And it doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Find a place within your state you always wanted to take a trip to, or keep it local with a staycation downtown. Schedule travel on your calendar, and then do it! You won’t regret the experience, and you will create lasting memories.

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