First For Women

TIGHT FASCIA causing an epidemic of exhaustion


90% of women over 40 have inflamed, tight fascia, says Harvardtra­ined women’s health expert Sara Gottfried, M.D. The web of tissue envelops and connects our muscles, blood vessels, nerves, bones and organs. But as we age, inflammati­on, muscle underuse and poor posture cause tightness, creating sticky, scarlike adhesions. Says Dr. Gottfried, “As fascia gets tight, it clamps down on muscles, nerves and blood vessels, leading to pain, tension and restrictio­n of blood flow, like a kink in a hose.”

Complicati­ng matters: Tight fascia send a constant “stress” message to the nervous system, explains functional health expert Brooke Kalanick, N.D., co-author of Hangry. “When our stress is constant, we’re calling on our brain and adrenal glands to respond all day, every day.” This can lead to adrenal burnout that worsens fatigue.

There’s no test to evaluate fascia health, but if your muscles are in knots or you have limited flexibilit­y, your fascia is tight, says Dr. Gottfried. The steps below can loosen fascia to restore energy.

“Stretching is the best, easiest way to release tension in the fascia,” says Dr. Gottfried. Yoga is especially beneficial, as regularly repeating the poses helps prevent fascial adhesions, she says. Aim to practice three to five times a week for at least 15 minutes for best results.

Taking a 20-minute bath hot enough to make you sweat has been shown to loosen fascia. Plus, heat activates the parasympat­hetic nervous system to lower cortisol levels. Loading up on anti-inflammato­ry foods neutralize­s fascia damage, says Dr. Gottfried. Choose nonstarchy vegetables like green leafies and tomatoes, healthy fats, such as avocado, and lean protein like poultry.

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