First For Women

Drive-thru debacle


“When a sudden hot flash hit me on the way to work, I needed something really cold to drink right away. I spied the Golden Arches coming up and made a beeline for the drive-thru. As I cranked up the A/C, I thanked my lucky stars that no one was in the line before me. So I pulled up and quickly ordered a large iced coffee with extra ice. I didn’t get a response, so I repeated my order, more loudly.

“After another minute when I still didn’t hear anything, I grew impatient. By this point, it felt like hot coals were being pressed against my skin. Frustrated and sweaty, I demanded, ‘Is this thing even working?!’

“That’s when I heard a far-off, staticky voice reply, ‘I’m sorry, ma’am can you please pull up? You’re speaking into the trash can.’ Blinking, I realized I was ordering from the garbage bin.

“I sheepishly pulled forward and repeated my order, but I swear, if I hadn’t been burning up, I would’ve just high-tailed it right out of the drive-thru lane.

“When I finally arrived at the last window to pick up my drink, the cashier simply smiled and said, ‘Sorry about that garbage can, it’s so poorly placed!’

“I could’ve lived with the sweet cashier witnessing my embarrassi­ng moment, but then I noticed that a video monitor, pointing directly at the trash can where

I had been parked, was visible to all the people ordering at the counter—two of whom were grinning widely at me. I smiled back but wished I could just melt away into my seat after all!”

—Beth Harriott, 55, Lubbock, TX

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