First For Women

Heal your gut, lose your belly to drop 10 pounds in 7 days

Dr. Oz reveals the delicious fruitand-veggie smoothie that’s taking the internet by storm. Thousands of women report that it heals the body to make weight loss effortless—just in time for the holidays!


There’s one thing all of us can agree on: We’re looking forward to enjoying our favorite holiday foods in the coming weeks—and we don’t want to “pay” for indulging in our sister’s crumbly good sugar cookies or taking an extra dollop of Aunt

Ida’s famous gravy by restrictin­g ourselves to rice cakes and carrots between celebratio­ns.

Sure there are salads, but who has time to make them amid all the hustle and bustle of this time of year? “Everyone thinks, to lose weight, you’ve got to eat a salad, and there’s a reason for that. Salads do work, but they’re hard to do,” Mehmet Oz, M.D., told his audience on The Dr. Oz Show.

That’s why Dr. Oz developed his fiveingred­ient Veggie Flush Smoothie: to help women too busy for salad-making to break free from rabbit food. The potent blend of raw spinach, cucumber, celery, lemon and pear in the drink floods the body with a variety of

potent digestion-healing and hungerdamp­ening compounds. “You may not believe this,” Dr. Oz told his audience as they sipped his creation, “but that one glass that you’re holding in your hand is enough veggies for the entire day.”

Dr. Oz’s smoothie is loaded with belly-f lattening digestive enzymes. These naturally occurring compounds, which are typically produced in the gut, work with digestive fluid to break down the foods we eat. But experts report that 80% of women over 40 don’t make enough digestive enzymes, so food arrives in the intestines only partially digested. The result is akin to serving a huge meal to the bad bacteria in the gut, says Dr. Oz. “Those bacteria release gas, and voilá—your intestines become distended, you feel overly full and crampy, and your pants don’t fit.” Drinking the smoothie restores those enzymes and eliminates uncomforta­ble bloat and gas.

The sweet sip heals the body’s slimming systems. “The liver and pancreas are capable of making enzymes, so they often act as a backup for the gut. But when we tax those organs consistent­ly, they become sluggish and unable to perform other functions,” explains Michelle Schoffro Cook, Ph.D., author of 60 Seconds to Slim. “The break the pancreas and liver catch from processing smoothies— instead of whole foods—allows them to focus on other metabolic tasks, including fat burning, detoxifica­tion and blood-sugar regulation.” Indeed, Spanish studies show that dieters who increase their enzyme intake lose 2.5 times more fat than those who don’t.

The Veggie Flush Smoothie also eliminates hunger and cravings. That’s because spinach is a rich source of thylakoids, a hunger-dampening plant compound. “Thylakoids prompt the body to produce more of the hormones that help reduce food intake,” explains Frank Greenway, M.D., chief medical officer at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Indeed, getting a regular dose of thylakoids—which are released only when the leafy greens take a trip through a blender— dialed down hunger enough to help women in one study lose 42% more weight than those who didn’t get a regular daily dose of thylakoids.

Best of all: You don’t have to skip your holiday favorites to get results.

“I don’t want you to replace meals. I want this to be added to meals,” Dr. Oz has said. That means you can enjoy holiday treats like pumpkin pie, cookies and cheesy potatoes— and still watch the pounds melt away!

Improved digestion and strugglefr­ee slimming are just the beginning. In one survey of more than 500 people who switched to a diet loaded with enzyme-rich foods and smoothies, 91% reported feeling a greater sense of wellbeing, and 82% said they experience­d improvemen­ts in memory and creativity. “I immediatel­y had more energy,” raves 61-year-old D. Marcia Jones, who lost 185 pounds by adding green smoothies to her daily diet. “Over time, I was even able to get off my blood pressure and cholestero­l medication­s. Now I have no health problems, and I’m in control of my life!” Ready to start your transforma­tion? Read on for the simple smoothie recipe and expert tips to jump-start your slimdown.

“You’ll really feel your stomach begin to shrink down” —Mehmet Oz, M.D.

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