First For Women




Ever since I stopped getting my periods, I’ve been getting really anxious at night and having trouble falling asleep. I don’t want to take a sedative. Are there any natural remedies that could help?


The hormonal changes that occur during menopause can trigger feelings of anxiety, which often interfere with sleep. What’s more, just worrying about whether you’ll be anxious or have night sweats can make it even harder to fall asleep. The good news is, the feelings of anxiety often subside as hormones settle down. In the meantime, I can recommend a variety of natural interventi­ons to ease your anxiety and pave the way to better sleep.

Some women find that essential oils help. One to try: jasmine. In a study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, inhaling the sweet scent reduced anxiety and improved sleep. Simply spritz jasmine essential oil on your pillowcase, take a few deep sniffs from the bottle before bed or pour it into a diffuser and let the scent fill your bedroom.

In addition, research has found that homeopathi­c remedies can help you get the restful sleep you need. One to try: Boiron Quietude (available at Walgreens stores). The formula contains a mixture of plant extracts that help relieve anxiety and calm tense muscles. For best results, dissolve two tablets under your tongue three hours before you plan to go to sleep and two more at bedtime.

Finally, consider an app such as Headspace or Calm, both of which provide simple guided meditation­s to help you downshift before bed so anxiety is less likely to keep you up.

If you’re still not sleeping well after trying these remedies for a few weeks, I suggest making an appointmen­t with your doctor, who can offer more targeted remedies.

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