First For Women

6 delicious immunity boosters

Sail through cold and flu season sniffle-free


Red wine fends off colds

Great news for wine lovers! Sipping 4 oz. to 8 oz. of red wine daily cuts your risk of fall colds by 40%, even when you’re exposed to people who are already ill. That’s the word from Yale University researcher­s, who say grape skin compounds (flavonoids) quickly destroy any rhinovirus­es that sneak into your bloodstrea­m.

Leafy greens block viruses

Your digestive system produces its own immune cells—and if you have enough of these killer cells available when viruses invade, they rapidly quash infections. British research proves it’s easy to triple your gut’s production of these feisty infection-fighters just by eating 1 cup of leafy greens daily. Thanks goes to nutrients (vitamin K and flavonoids) that energize immune cell production in the lining of your GI tract.

Red bell peppers strengthen your airways

These colorful gems are packed with vitamin C and carotenoid­s, nutrients that strengthen the respirator­y tract lining from the nose to the lungs to prevent viral invasions. Nibble on 1 cup of red or orange peppers daily, and Stanford University researcher­s say your risk of draggy fall colds and complicati­ons like sinus infections and bronchitis will drop by as much as 67%.

Pork snuffs out invading germs

The zinc found in pork is a potent antiviral mineral that destroys germs at their most common point of entry— the tissues lining your nose and throat. No wonder Australian researcher­s have found that women who enjoy 12 oz. of pork weekly have 58% fewer sick days each fall and winter!

Yogurt powers up immune cells

It makes a great on-the-go snack, and University of Kansas researcher­s say eating 1 cup daily will cut your risk of colds, the flu and other viral infections in half, plus help you recover 74% faster if you do fall ill. Yogurt’s Lactobacil­lus acidophilu­s, a healthy probiotic bacteria, stimulates your immune system to produce germkillin­g dynamos called lymphocyte­s.

Eggs activate antiviral enzymes

The unique blend of nutrients (amino acids, lutein and zeaxanthin) in this favorite breakfast option increases your body’s production of a powerful antiviral compound called gamma interferon by as much as 75%, Canadian researcher­s reveal. In fact, savoring two eggs daily—whatever style you prefer—will cut your risk of any fall or winter illness in half!

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