First For Women

Trim & toned in half the time

Trainer and fitness expert Andrea Marcellus shares the double-duty moves guaranteed to firm trouble spots and blast fat fast


Curtsy and curl SLIM HIPS & SEXY ARMS

“This exercise sculpts the biceps, quads, glutes and inner thighs,” cheers

Marcellus of how it will help you eliminate saddlebags and tone strong, sexy arms.

To do: Stand with your feet together, holding 3- to 5-pound weights. Step your left foot back on a diagonal behind your right. Bend both knees to form right angles and curl the weights up to your shoulders. Return to start. Do 10 reps, then switch sides.

Step-back kick-back FIRM THIGHS & STRONG BACK

Kick-backs engage the triceps and latissimus dorsi to eliminate wave wiggles, while the step-back engages the calf and hamstrings to slim and melt fat from the legs, says Marcellus.

To do: Stand with your feet together and knees bent. Pull 3- to 5-pound weights up into your armpits. Extend them back as you tap one foot back, then bring everything back in. Do 10 reps, then switch sides.


These are two of the most effective exercises for shaping the shoulders and backside—and putting them together makes a superb total-body toner. Marcellus explains that squats engage the gluteus maximus and hamstrings to lift the tush, while an overhead press calls on the deltoids to sculpt sexy shoulder definition.

To do: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold 5-pound weights at shoulder level. Lower into a squat, keeping your heels down and your butt back. As you rise back up, press the weights straight up overhead. Do 20 reps.

Star side leg lift FLAT BELLY & TONED TORSO

“This move provides a huge stability challenge for your core and your shoulder,” notes Marcellus. Indeed, it calls on the transverse and rectus abdominis, erector spinae and serratus muscles to shrink a belly bulge and shape your upper half.

To do: Kneel on a mat, then lean to the side to place your right hand on the ground and lift your left arm up overhead. Keeping your left leg straight, lift it up to hip height, then lower it back down. Do 10 reps,

then switch sides.


“Crunching the elbow to the knee works the transverse abdominals and the obliques, the ones that wrap around you like a corset,” says Marcellus. Holding the elbows out to the sides also engages the pectorals to perk up the chest. To do: Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and elbows out. Cross your left ankle over your right knee. Twist your right elbow toward your left knee, then lower back down.

Do 10 reps, then switch sides.

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