First For Women


- by Maressa Brown


(Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Around October 27, set a bold intention related to your mind-body wellness. With an ambitious game plan, you’re sure to see results! Thanks to Venus in your second house of income in November, your creative instincts on the job are on fire. Pitch your most artistic ideas for a sure financial win.


(Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

You may crave more solo time while Mercury is retrograde in your twelfth house of spirituali­ty from October 31 on. Put it toward a mindbody practice you’ve enjoyed in the past to bolster your well-being. Starting November 1, time with your mate leaves you glowing!


(Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Miscommuni­cations with colleagues may cause frustratio­n on the job from October 31 on. Patience and diplomacy save the day! You might want to hit pause on work and enjoy loved ones’ company come November 12. Giving in to your desires now can feel emotionall­y fulfilling for you and others.


(Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

You’ll do well to meditate on your next profession­al move around October 27. You’ll have the clarity to nail down a successful strategy. On November 12, you may need to address an ongoing emotional issue with loved ones. A calm, down-toearth approach serves everyone best.


(Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

While Mercury is retrograde in your ninth house of adventure from October 31 on, revisit a destinatio­n you’ve always loved. The experience could rejuvenate your spirit! Come November, working with colleagues on proposals leads to recognitio­n for you—and everyone as a team.


(Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

When Mercury and Venus pair up in your eighth house of emotional bonds on October 30, exploring desires with your mate sets off fireworks! Around November 12, you’ll be focused on striking a balance between your personal needs and work responsibi­lities. Trust your gut to find the way forward.


(Apr. 20–May 20)

You may feel like you’re speaking a different language than your mate come October 31. Lean on your sense of humor to navigate this temporaril­y frustratin­g moment. Around November 12, you might be feeling run-down. A self-care timeout boosts your mood and energy.


(May 21–June 20)

Pinpoint a wellness goal you want to achieve around October 27: It’s a great time to make it happen! Then, while romantic Venus is in your seventh house of partnershi­p from November 1 on, you might find yourself craving time with your mate. Planning date nights will be gratifying now!


(June 21–July 22)

Re-create your favorite date nights or reminisce about old times with your mate from October 31 on. That walk down memory lane may just prove magical! After, you’ll be motivated to make small tweaks to your fitness routine. Feeling good is the key to making the changes stick.


(July 23–Aug. 22)

You might find you’re feeling more playful than usual from November 1 on. Enjoy fun one-on-one time with your mate for fireworks. Around November 12, higher-ups may call on you to make an important pitch. Go for it: You’ll command the spotlight and earn recognitio­n to boot!


(Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Emails or calls from old friends might catch you off guard while Mercury is retrograde in your third house of communicat­ion from October 31 on. Reconnect! It could inspire a collaborat­ive project. Starting November 1, prioritizi­ng R&R and social time boosts well-being and joy.


(Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Take a microscope to your moneymakin­g plans from October 31 through November. Small changes set you up for even more success. From November 1 on, you may crave witty banter with your mate. Give in: The conversati­on has you falling in love all over again!

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