First For Women

8 in 10 women over 40 have low levels of energizing nitric oxide


The ‘miracle molecule’ nitric oxide (NO) plays crucial roles in brain, lung and muscle function, says NO researcher Louis Ignarro, Ph.D. Adds Sung Won, M.D., a lifestyle medicine specialist at NeoGen Clinic in Irving, Texas, “One of its critical functions is to relax and widen arteries to deliver energizing oxygen and nutrients to tissues.” So when levels dip, women suffer symptoms like fatigue and anxiety.

Women over 40 are at high risk of shortfalls since the body’s ability to produce NO wanes over time. Plus, “estrogen preserves enzymes that are important for making NO, so when levels of the hormone drop in menopause, NO does too,” says Ignarro.

No medical tests can diagnose NO deficits, so doctors tend to rely on symptoms. If you suffer from fatigue and the other symptoms in the quiz at left, the strategies below can lift energy within 14 days.

Breathe this way. ”NO is formed and released in nasal passages, so breathing in through your nose delivers it directly to the lungs,” says Ignarro. Also smart: Hum for 20 seconds several times a day. In a Swedish study, vibrations produced by humming boosted nasal NO production by 1,500%.

Eat more leafy greens. “These vegetables are high in nitrates, which are converted into NO by the body,” explains Ignarro. He suggests eating at least one serving of leafy greens or other nitrate sources, like beets or beet powder, daily, and at least one serving of almonds, chickpeas, meat or poultry. They’re rich in L-arginine, an amino acid that’s key for NO production. In one study, people who consumed the most L-arginine had NO levels 425% higher than those who ate less.

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