International Artist

Rukiye Garip

Balıkesir, Turkey, Phaselis, watercolor, 30 x 22" (76 x 55 cm)

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Finalist My Inspiratio­n

Phaselis was a Greek and Roman city (700 B.C.) on the coast of ancient Lycia. Its ruins are located in the Antalya province of Turkey. While on vacation nearby, I embarked on an exciting adventure. As I made my way from the land to the shore, the ruins of the ancient city seemed to beckon me toward the sea. When I reached the sea in the magical atmosphere of history and nature, I just had to paint this breathtaki­ng view. What impressed me the most was the movement of the blue sky and the brilliant reflection­s of light on the water. The sunken rocks and scattered ruins beneath the translucen­t waves looked like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered in this watery realm.

My Design Strategy

I waded into the water to capture the rocks and the reflection­s in the water and carefully navigated between the rocks. Immersing myself in the landscape, I tried to experience it firsthand, not as a distant observer. I took several photograph­s from various angles to put together the perfect compositio­n. I spent a day experiment­ing with color and texture to find the right way to use blue, yellow, light and dark juxtaposed with the dynamic light reflection­s of the water.

My Working Process

I used masking fluid to protect the shimmering areas in the water and applied a salt effect to enhance the texture of the rocks. The pinnacle of exhilarati­on was capturing the contrast between the darkest and lightest parts of the large rock in the lower center section, making it stand out among the intricate details of the surface. After seven days of work, the painting was completed.

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