Taste of Home



Twenty-five years ago, we launched the first issue of Taste of

Home. It was 1993 and we had a dream. We wanted to create a magazine that would bring home cooks together, inspire them in the kitchen and provide a way to share their love of cooking with others who enjoyed the same passion.

We had no idea back then that this dream would lead to more than 2 million print readers. And even further from our minds was this thing called the internet, which now enables Taste of Home to reach nearly 30 million people every month from a website, and millions more through social media channels.

Indeed, a lot has changed in 25 years. Like it or not, the world moves at a much faster clip. And it can feel so teensy at times. With just a few taps on keyboard or screen, we can have most anything we want delivered to our doorstep from anywhere around the globe. News travels in seconds. And sharing our personal triumphs and tragedies on Facebook, Instagram and other channels with people we know—as well as complete strangers—has become part of our DNA.

We considered all of this change as we planned our silver anniversar­y issue. You can see from the lineup of covers

(right), we’ve made some updates over the years. There are some in this issue, too. But the purpose of Taste of Home remains steadfast. Now more than ever, we believe in the power of a good home-cooked meal to bring friends and families together. To talk. Share. Connect. Screens down!

We hope you enjoy our freshened-up Taste of Home as much as our team (pictured below) loved creating it. We’re immensely grateful for all the deliciousn­ess you’ve shared with us over the years. And we’re more committed than ever to creating content that inspires, delights and encourages happier, healthier eating together. Enjoy. And tell us what you think! editors@tasteofhom­e.com Sincerely, Your Taste of Home Team

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