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民主黨在11月期中選­舉大有重奪國會眾議院­多數席次的態勢,隨著民主黨人的聲勢漸­起,黨內開始有人公開倡議­在「光復」眾議院後,就要啟動彈劾川普總統­的程序,但曾在歐巴馬總統任內­擔任中央情報局長及國­防部長的潘尼達(Leon Panetta),認為此舉不妥。現年80歲的潘尼達認­為,民主黨人應該有耐心,等到調查通俄案的特別­檢察官穆勒(Robert Mueller)完成調查並公布報告,再決定是否啟動彈劾總­統程序,如此對國家與民主黨都­相對有利。本月初潘尼達上美國廣­播公司(ABC)電視台的「This Week」節目,接受主持人拉達茲(Martha Raddatz)專訪時,提出他對目前華府政治­圈許多熱門議題的看法,以下摘錄潘 尼達對於民主黨人擬彈­劾川普總統議題的說法。

I think the most important things that the Democrats could do is to allow Bob Mueller to complete his work. I think Bob Mueller’s report will ultimately determine whether or not there are going to be additional steps taken against the president and they ought not to get ahead of that report because that will be the key to determinin­g what happens in the future.我想,民主黨人可以做的最重­要大事,就是讓穆勒把事情做完。穆勒調查報告最終將決­定是否還有其他步驟用­來對付總統,而且民主黨人不應該搶­在報告之前行動,因為調查報告將是攸關­未來發展的關鍵。

●Bob Mueller is focusing on several things right now. Obviously he’s gone after individual­s and he’s gone after Russians that were involved in coming after our election system.現在穆勒正在聚焦幾件­事,他顯然正追查一些人,在追查俄國人,這些人涉及干預我國的­選舉制度。 They are getting very close to making a case for obstructio­n of justice not only by the steps that were taken in terms of the president demeaning and attacking a witch hunt, but also the fact that Rudy Giuliani himself said that the whole purpose of their effort is to undermine the credibilit­y of the Special Counsel.他們快要可以證明有妨­礙司法的情事,不只因為總統抨擊這是­獵巫的方式,也是因為朱利安尼自己­說過,他們對抗的目的就是要­打擊特別檢察官的信譽。

●And then when you add to that the dismissal of those that were involved in the investigat­ion, I think you begin to piece together the kind of case that could form around an obstructio­n of justice trial.如果再加上(川普政府)開除那些參與(特別檢察官)調查的人,你就可以拼湊出一個案­子,可以帶進妨礙司法審判­的案子。

So I think they have to be very careful to use this tactic of trying to undermine the Special Counsel and the special prosecutor because I think that could backfire.所以我覺得,他們如果想要以這種手­法打擊特別檢察官,最好小心一點,因為到頭來可能會倒打­自己。

 ??  ?? 前國防部長潘尼達認為,民主黨人應該等調查報­告後,再決定是否啟動川普總­統的彈劾程序。(路透)

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