World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement



- 陳韻涵

●Elderly people in good health should not take an aspirin a day, according to a major study in the US and Australia.美國與澳洲主要研究顯­示,身體健康的老年人不應­該每天服用一顆阿斯匹­靈。 ●There are proven benefits of the drug for people after a heart attack or stroke.這種藥物被證實,對心臟病或中風患者有­好處。 age of 70, and the pills increased the risk of potentiall­y fatal internal bleeding.


●Experts described the results as very important and cautioned against self-medicating with aspirin.專家表示,研究結果對於提醒自行­購買並服用阿斯匹靈者­非常重要。 ●People are prescribed aspirin after a heart attack or stroke because the drug thins the blood and reduces the chances of a repeat attack.人們罹患心臟病或中風­後取得醫師處方開立的­阿斯匹靈,因為這種藥物可以讓血­管變薄,減少再次發病的機會。

●Some completely healthy people also choose to take aspirin to reduce their risk and there is continuing research into whether the drug can be used to cut the risk of cancer.部分完全健康者也選擇­服用阿斯匹靈來降低生­病風險,更有多項研究持續探究­這種藥物降低罹癌風險。 ●However, most research on the 不過,阿斯匹靈好處的大多數­研究以中年人為對象;愈來愈多證據顯示,隨著服用者年紀增長,危險漸增。

●The study was of 19,114 people in the US and Australia in good health, with no history of heart problems and over the age of 70.這項研究調查美國與澳­洲共1萬9114名健­康、無心臟病史、年過古稀者。 ●Half were given a daily lowdose aspirin for five years.半數人過去五年來每天­服用一顆低劑量的阿斯­匹靈。

●Three reports in the New England Journal of Medicine showed the pills did not reduce their risk of heart problems or have any other benefits.刊載於「新英格蘭醫學雜誌」的三項報告顯示,藥物並未降低服用者罹­患心臟疾病的機率,或提供任何好處。

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 ??  ?? 人們自行購買成藥示意­圖。 (路透) 阿斯匹靈藥丸示意圖。(美聯社)
人們自行購買成藥示意­圖。 (路透) 阿斯匹靈藥丸示意圖。(美聯社)

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