World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement



●Seven sarcophagi, some dating back more than 6,000 years, have been discovered at a site on the edge of the pyramid complex in Saqqara, south of the Egyptian capital, archaeolog­y officials announced Saturday.

埃及考古學官員10日­宣布,研究人員在埃及首都南­部的薩卡拉金字塔群邊­緣發現七具石棺,部分石棺的歷史可追溯­自6000多年前。 the site belonged to Khufu-Imhat, overseer of the buildings in the royal palace.他說,三座墳塚用來葬貓,另四具石棺中有一具屬­於古夫-伊姆哈特,他是這些王室建築的監­工。

●Mostafa Waziri, head of Egypt s Supreme Council of Antiquitie­s, said the mission had also unearthed the first mummies of scarabs to be found in the area.

●Dozens of cat mummies were also unearthed along with 100 wooden, gilded statues of cats and one in bronze dedicated to the cat goddess Bastet.此次出土的包括數十隻­木乃伊貓、100隻鍍金的木雕貓,以及一隻以青銅裝飾的­芭絲特(埃及神話中貓首人身的­女神)。

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