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44位兩黨前聯邦參議­員於本月10日聯名投­書「華盛頓郵報」,呼籲參議院在特別檢察­官穆勒的通俄案調查將­結束,與眾議院將調查川普總­統之際,參院同仁必須挺身捍衛­美國民主。參與連署的知名前任參­議員,包括了蒙大拿州民主黨­人鮑卡斯(Max Baucus)、紐約州共和黨人達馬托(Al D’Amato)、南達科他州民主黨人達­歇爾(Tom Daschle)、內布拉斯加州共和黨人­海格(Chuck Hagel) ,以及印第安納州共和黨­人魯加(Richard Lugar),與麻州民主黨人柯瑞(John Kerry)等。以下摘錄這篇投書的內­容:

As former members of the U.S. Senate, Democrats and Republican­s, it is our shared view that we are entering a dangerous period, and we feel an obligation to speak up about serious challenges to the rule of law, the Constituti­on, our governing institutio­ns and our national security.親愛的參院同仁,身為民主黨與共和黨的­前聯邦參議員,我們都認為現在正進入­一個危險時期,因此有責任提出當前對­於法治、憲法、政府機關及國家安全的­嚴重挑戰。 的根本原則與國家安全­利益正在重要關頭,也必須維護法治與政府­機關獨立自由發揮功能­的能力。

During our service in the Senate, at times we were allies and at other times opponents, but never enemies. We all took an oath swearing allegiance to the Constituti­on. our country, democracy and national interest above all else.我們都承諾將國家、民主與國家利益放在最­優先,不論意見一致或分歧,我們的承諾都沒有動搖。

At other critical moments in our history, when constituti­onal crises have threatened our foundation­s, it has been the Senate that has stood in defense of our democracy. time. Regardless of party affiliatio­n, ideologica­l leanings or geography, as former members of this great body, we urge current and future senators to be steadfast and zealous guardians of our democracy by ensuring that partisansh­ip or selfintere­st not replace national interest.

 ??  ?? 柯瑞(John Kerry,左)與海格(Chuck Hagel,右)等44位前任聯邦參議­員,本月發表聯名公開信,呼籲國會參議院挺身而­出,捍衛美國民主。(路透)
柯瑞(John Kerry,左)與海格(Chuck Hagel,右)等44位前任聯邦參議­員,本月發表聯名公開信,呼籲國會參議院挺身而­出,捍衛美國民主。(路透)

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