World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement




●China is set to mark the Year of the Pig with a film starring “Peppa Pig,” the popular British cartoon character that fell foul with its censors earlier this year.中國今年將以卡通「小豬佩奇」(Peppa Pig,台譯「佩佩豬」)歡慶豬年,這部熱門英國動畫去年­初面臨當局審查。

●A government document listing upcoming movie projects shows a new film in the works titled “Peppa Pig celebrates Chinese New Year” to be released in February 2019 during the Lunar New Year holiday.

官方文件列出2019­年2月農曆新年假期即­將播映的電影名單,其中包括片名為「小豬佩奇賀年」的新作。 such as a dragon parade and fireworks, state-run China Daily reported.國營的「中國日報」報導,電影內容包括舞龍與煙­火等中國新年傳統。

●Co-developed by Alibaba Pictures and Canadian media company Entertainm­ent One which currently produces Peppa Pig the film includes the entire “Peppa Pig” cast and two new characters named Dumpling and Glutinous Rice Ball, two popular Chinese new year delicacies.「小豬佩奇」由原本拍攝該片的加拿­大媒體集團「娛樂一體」與「阿里巴巴影業集團」共同拍攝,除了小豬佩奇之外還多­了兩個新角色,「餃子」和「糯米糍」(湯圓)

,分 別代表熱門中國新年佳­餚。

●The series, introduced in the mid-2000s in China, has become extremely popular through episodes dubbed into Mandarin.


●This fervor intensifie­d at the end of 2017 among a young adult audience. Many internet users including stars sported temporary “Peppa Pig” tattoos in selfies, and cups, watches and clothes appeared bearing the image of the heroine Peppa.

就連成人在2017年­終都瘋小豬佩奇;許多網民和明星炫耀有­佩佩豬的自拍照、杯子、手表和衣服。 ●A Chinese internet platform in May gave “Peppa Pig” the chop as state media lamented the series had become a “subversive” icon for slackers and anti-social young people.中國網路平台5

●At least 30,000 clips of the British cartoon were removed from the popular Douyin video-sharing platform, while the #PeppaPig hashtag was banned from the site.當局從熱門影音分享平­台「抖音」中移除至少3萬個英國­卡通片段,熱門主題標籤「#小豬佩奇」遭封殺。

●People who upload videos of Peppa Pig tattoos and merchandis­e and make Peppa-related jokes “run counter to the mainstream value and are usually poorly educated with no stable job,” state-run Global Times said after the ban.官媒「環球時報」在禁令頒布後報導,任何上傳與「小豬佩奇」相關影音、商品或拿它開玩笑者,「與主流價值背道而馳,且往往是沒受過什麼教­育且無穩定工作」


 ??  ?? 小女孩看著北京玩具店­裡的「小豬佩奇」玩偶,想買幾隻回家。 (美聯社)
小女孩看著北京玩具店­裡的「小豬佩奇」玩偶,想買幾隻回家。 (美聯社)

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