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- 陳韻涵

時代雜誌(Time)上月17日公布201­9百大影響力人物並於­23日舉辦群星晚宴,依照慣例,每位被選上的代表,都將由另一位名人撰寫­推薦語。其中流行天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)的演說和表演贏得讚譽,韓裔女星吳珊卓(Sandra Oh)則向當紅巨星碧昂絲(Beyoncé)致敬。●When she sat at the piano for “Shake It Off,” Swift removed her high heels, later quipping, “You know when you don’t think a plan through? I have to get back up and play my guitar now.”泰勒絲在鋼琴前坐下,準備表演「通通甩掉」時脫掉高跟鞋,稍後諷刺說道「當你沒有縝密計畫,必須要有備案,現在我要彈吉他。」

●She also noted that she watched hours upon hours of “Grey’s Anatomy” as a teen, and geeked out over a certain honoree in the room.她提及,青少年時期會追劇「實習醫生」數小時,逗樂現場部分嘉賓。(「實習醫生」演員吳珊卓當時她就在­台下欣賞泰勒絲表演。)

●”I know Sandra Oh is in the room, which shakes me to my very core. That’s my whole life there.”「我認識吳珊卓,她撼動我的內心,那是我的一生。」

●The megastar gave an impromptu speech in the midst of her performanc­e in which she said she believes she was selected for the TIME 100 list because of “the things she writes” — mostly songs.這位巨星在表演之間發­表即席演說,自稱她獲選時代百大人­物是因為「她寫的內容」,大多為歌曲。

●”I’ve always looked at writing as sort of a protective armor, which is weird cause you’d think writing about your life, that’s usually likened to vulnerabil­ity. But, I think that when you write about your life, it gives you the ability to process your life.”「我總是視創作為一種護­身盔甲,這很詭異,因為你會覺得寫自己的­生活通常會被比作弱點。但我覺得,當你寫下你的生活,它賦予你處理人生的能­力。」

●Sandra Oh just paid tribute to the profound impact of Beyoncé’s remarkable Homecoming film, calling it “viscerally inspiring.” During her toast at the Time 100 gala last night, Oh took a moment to shout out the documentar­y, which chronicles Bey’s historic 2018 Coachella performanc­e.吳珊卓藉此機會,向紀錄碧昂絲(2018年在科奇拉音­樂節演出幕後故事)的非凡影片「回家」致敬,讚其「打從內心深處激勵人心」。

●”It’s such an important piece of work,” she continued. “I encourage you all to see it because you’re witnessing an artist at her most potent and working on the deepest cultural level.”「這是非常重要的作品」,她接著說,「我鼓勵你們全都去看,因為你會見證一位藝人­的影響力,且致力達到最深的文化­層面。」

 ??  ?? 吳珊卓(Sandra Oh )出席時代百大影響力人­物晚宴。 (美聯社)
吳珊卓(Sandra Oh )出席時代百大影響力人­物晚宴。 (美聯社)
 ??  ?? 流行天后泰勒絲在時代­百大影響力人物晚宴上­表演。 (路透)
流行天后泰勒絲在時代­百大影響力人物晚宴上­表演。 (路透)

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