World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement




德國歷史悠久的馬戲團「Circus Roncalli」利用3D全息投影取代­真實動物,毋須圈養和訓練動物,締造全球創舉並獲得各­界讚賞。「Circus Roncalli的焦­點將轉向詩歌和雜技演­員。」

●The show also features clowns and trapeze artists, which accompany the clever holograms. Bernhard Paul invested more than 500,000 euros in perfecting the light show, which has seen more than 600,000 visitors in the last year, each of which pay between 29 and 70 euros.環境大臣戈夫宣布這項­保護動物的新法案,避免馴鹿、斑馬、駱駝等被迫成為英格蘭­的馬戲團表演動物。

●The Wild Animals in Circuses Bill follows the Government’s pledge in February 2018 to introduce a ban by the time the existing interim licensing regulation­s expire in January 2020.

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