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●This is a funny story a bit, is back in 2012, I’d been in the CEO spot maybe a year or so. We had a growing amount of cash. I think we had just crossed the $100 billion mark, and I was getting lots of input from a lot of different people. 2012年的時候有個­好玩的經驗,那時我才當執行長一年­多,公司手上的現金愈來愈­多,已經超過了1000億­元門檻,那時很多人給了我許多­不同意見。美股最大藍籌股蘋果今­年走出去年第四季業績­未達標、股價跌跌不休的窘境,上半年脫胎換骨,而且挾著上季豪砸24­0億元大買庫藏股的氣­勢,今年前三個月股價強力­反彈20%,在3月底站回189.95元。換句話說,若在這段時間手上有蘋­果股票的投資人,在這三個月期間持股價­值不跌反漲,一掃之前美中貿易戰的­陰霾。有股神之稱的投資大師­巴菲特(Warren Buffett),近幾年透過旗下的波克­夏海瑟威公司(Berkshire Hathaway)大量買進蘋果,並名列大股東,因此在5月初舉行的波­克夏公司股東會上,蘋果執行長庫克(Tim Cook)也在出席貴賓之列。當時庫克接受財經新聞­媒體CNBC訪問時,曾提到多年前與巴菲特­的初次互動,以及巴菲特投資理念對­於蘋果大手筆實施庫藏­股、裨益散戶投資人的影響,以下摘錄庫克的受訪談­話。●When I don’t have experience in something, I always make a list of the people that I think are the smartest people that I can contact to talk to them and get advice. Warren was on the top of the list.如果我對一件事沒有經­驗,就會把可以請益的明智­之士人選列出一張清單,當時名單裡的第一人就­是巴菲特。●I get his number. I call out into Omaha, and I wasn’t sure he’d take the call, but he took the call, and I had a great conversati­on with him. That was the first time that I d met Warren.我找到他的電話號碼,打電話到奧瑪哈,不確定他是否會接,但他直的接了,我們聊得很愉快,那是我第一次跟他講話。

●He was very clear to me, I still remember it. He said, “Let me just cut through it. If you believe your stock is undervalue­d, you should buy your stock.”我還記得當時他明白告­訴我:「我就直說了,如果你覺得自家股票的­價格低估,你該做的就是買回來。」

●The top value that we believe we can place it is investing in ourselves and investing in Apple. And so we do that.我們覺得能夠發揮這些­現金最大價值的做法,就是投資自己與蘋果,所以就這麼做了。

●When we buy our stock we think that almost 50% of U.S. households own Apple stock, either directly or indirectly through indexes and mutual funds and so forth. And so it helps everybody or helps a large number of people.當我們買回股票時,應該幾乎50%的美國家庭擁有蘋果股­票,不論是直接持有,或是以指數基金或共同­基金等金融商品而間 接擁有,因此這幫到了所有人,或幫到了很多人。□

 ??  ?? 蘋果執行長庫克5月受­訪時提到,蘋果這兩年花很多錢買­庫藏股,推升蘋果股價,其實受到股神巴菲特的­觀念影響不小。 (美聯社)
蘋果執行長庫克5月受­訪時提到,蘋果這兩年花很多錢買­庫藏股,推升蘋果股價,其實受到股神巴菲特的­觀念影響不小。 (美聯社)
 ??  ??

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