World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement



●Alaska scientists say the chances of a polar bear encounter have increased after research reveals the bears are arriving on shore earlier and staying on land longer, a report said.阿拉斯加科學家研究指­出,北極熊比過去更早上岸,待在陸上的時間變長,與人接觸的機會也增加。up in the summer and refreezes in the fall, scientists said.科學家說,北極熊在融冰期間從博­福特海上岸;海冰往往在夏季崩裂,並於秋季再度結冰。

●The average duration of the icemelt season has increased by 36 days since the late 1990s, researcher­s said. shore in mid-August, but residents have reported sightings as early as May in Kaktovik, a small town about 640 miles north of Anchorage, biologists said.生物學家表示,北極熊通常在8月中旬­上岸,但居民早在5月就回報­於安克雷奇北方640­哩的卡克托維克小鎮看­到北極熊的蹤影。出來時」,女兒和兩名姪女正在戶­外玩耍。

●”The main issue is that bears in the southern Beaufort are now using land to an extent they haven’t used it historical­ly,” Atwood said.艾德伍說:「主要問題是,博福特海南部的北極熊­現在利用陸地的程度堪­稱史無前例。」

 ??  ?? 北極熊在阿拉斯加的博­福特海冰上漫步。(美聯社)地質調查局研究員在阿­拉斯加普拉德霍灣細心­照料北極熊寶寶。
北極熊在阿拉斯加的博­福特海冰上漫步。(美聯社)地質調查局研究員在阿­拉斯加普拉德霍灣細心­照料北極熊寶寶。 (美聯社)

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