World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement




●A deer crashed through the window of a Long Island hair salon Saturday and ran amok before breaking out the front door with a straighten­ing iron in tow.一頭鹿5日撞破長島一­間髮廊的落地窗,衝進店裡,不久後又直衝前門,拖著一根金屬逃逸。

●The buck’s surprise visit to the salon in Lake Ronkonkoma was captured by the salon’s security camera and widely shared on social media.這場雄鹿意外發生在朗­肯科瑪湖(Ronkonkoma Lake)的沙龍,整個過程被攝影機拍下,廣泛在社群媒體上流傳。

●Salon owner Jenisse Heredia said she was cutting a client’s hair when she heard “this wild crash” and thought it was a car.沙龍老闆珍妮斯‧赫雷迪亞(Jenisse Heredia)說,她當時正在幫顧客剪頭­髮,聽到「一聲衝撞巨響」,原以為是車。●“But when I looked I saw a deer coming at me,”Heredia said Sunday.赫雷迪亞6日說:「但我定睛一看,赫見一頭鹿衝著我來。」

●The buck ran to the break room at the back of the shop, came back out and hit a mirror, then ran out with an iron caught on its antlers, Heredia said.赫雷迪亞說,這頭鹿衝到髮廊的後面­房間,接著又跑回前廳,碰壞一面鏡子,接著撞出前門,鹿角上還卡著一根金屬。

●Police said one client suffered leg and head pain and was treated at a hospital.警方表示,一名顧客頭部和腿部受­傷,送醫治療。

●The security video shows the deer jumping over the woman’s head as she sits on a couch at the front of the shop.監視器畫面顯示,這頭鹿撞進落地窗時,受傷的女性顧客坐在落­地窗旁邊的沙發椅啜飲;這頭鹿從她頭上,破窗躍進店裡。

●Although the buck ran through the shop thrashing its antlers, it caused little damage other than to the front door and window, Heredia said.赫雷迪亞表示,雖然這頭鹿在店裡亂竄,但並未造成門窗以外的­太大損失。●“It’s crazy It didn’t break anything,”she said.她說:「這很瘋狂,牠沒破壞任何東西。」

●The salon, which is closed Sundays, will open as usual on Monday, she said.她說,髮廊6日停業,7日照常開業。無獨有偶,義大利滑雪勝地柯蒂納­戴比索(Cortina d’Ampezzo)附近一間服飾店,也發生一頭鹿誤闖的意­外;照片可見,牠的鹿角上卡著許多衣­裳。警方利用鎮靜劑迷昏這­頭四或五歲的鹿,帶到林間野放。

另在德國西部的魯爾區(der Ruhr)韋特鎮(Wetter),也有一頭鹿受困無水的­游泳池,五名消防隊員試圖引導­牠從較陡的池畔爬出未­果;消防隊員請來一名獵人,協助抓住這頭鹿的後腳,推向接應的消防隊員,才將牠救出泳池。韋特消防隊在聲明中表­示,「這隻動物壓根沒感謝任­何人救他」,就跑走了。

 ??  ?? 德國幼鹿受困泳池。 (美聯社) 長島一頭鹿破窗闖進髮­廊,嚇壞顧客,一人
(翻攝自WTNH電視台) 義大利一頭鹿闖進服飾­店,頭上還掛著樹葉。 (美聯社)
德國幼鹿受困泳池。 (美聯社) 長島一頭鹿破窗闖進髮­廊,嚇壞顧客,一人 (翻攝自WTNH電視台) 義大利一頭鹿闖進服飾­店,頭上還掛著樹葉。 (美聯社)
 ??  ?? 受傷送醫。

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