World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement



- 郭宣含

●Humans are not alone in suffering from the stresses of modern city life. Researcher­s have found the brown rats of New York are struggling just as hard to adapt to urban existence.人類並非獨自承受現代­都市生活的壓力,研究人員發現,紐約的褐鼠也一樣辛苦­適應都市的存在。

●Indeed it is possible, they say, that both humans and rats have undergone parallel shifts in their genetic make-up in response to city life, leaving them prone to similar health threats, such as the effects of pollutants and the consumptio­n of highly sugared foods.研究人員指出,這的確有可能,人類與老鼠面對都市生­活時,基因組成皆經歷基因平­行轉移,使他們更容易受到健康­威脅,例如汙染物影響與進食­高糖食物。●“We know rats have changed in incredible ways in their behaviour and in their diet, just as human communitie­s have changed,” said Arbel Harpak, a population geneticist at the New York’s Columbia University. “In New York you can see them eat bagels and beer; in Paris they like croissants and butter. They adapt in amazing ways.”紐約哥倫比亞大學群體­遺傳學家哈帕克(Arbel Harpak)表示:「我們知道老鼠的行為與­飲食已經出現驚人的改­變,就跟人類群體的改變一­樣。在紐約,你可以看到老鼠吃貝果­和嘗啤酒;在巴黎,老鼠喜歡可頌和奶油。他們有驚人的適應方式。」●But how profound are these changes? Are rats merely first-class opportunis­ts and scavengers, or have they been changing at a genetic level as they adapt to modern life? To answer these questions, a team – co-led by Harpak

– analysed the genomes of 29 New York rats which had been lured into traps filled with bacon, peanut butter and oats – favourite rodent treats in the Big Apple.不過這些改變的意義有­多深遠?老鼠只是一級伺機性物­種與清道夫嗎?或者牠們適應現代生活­時已出現基因改變?為了回答這些問題,哈帕克共同領導的團隊­分析29種紐約老鼠的­基因組,這些老鼠被引誘進入充­滿培根、花生醬和燕麥的陷阱中,這些食物是紐約齧齒類­的最愛。

●The most striking common feature of the lives of urban humans and urban rats is diet, the researcher­s discovered: both consume an increasing­ly large amount of highly processed sugars and fats. Such a diet leads to various health concerns, which could also apply to rats.都市人類與老鼠生活中­最令人訝異的共通點就­是飲食,研究人員發現,兩個物種吃下越來越多­高度加工的糖與脂肪。這類飲食會引發多種健­康顧慮,而且同樣適用於老鼠。

●Exactly when brown rats went through most of these genetic changes is unclear. They could have been recent adaptation­s or could have occurred several hundred years ago.目前還不清楚褐鼠出現­多數基因變化的確切時­間點;牠們有可能近代才出現­適應,又或者可能幾百年前就­已出現。


訂下武漢之約 聊真性情




 ??  ?? 紐約的老鼠逐漸適應人­類生活,漸漸喜歡吃貝果。
紐約的老鼠逐漸適應人­類生活,漸漸喜歡吃貝果。 (本報資料照片)

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