World Journal (New York) - World Journal (New York) - Weekly Supplement


- 林育正

Joe Staley quietly walked away from the NFL last month, announcing on social media that he was retiring from the San Francisco 49ers after 13 seasons because “my body is telling me it’s time.”

為舊金山49人隊效力­13個球季,進攻鋒線球員史達利(Joe Staley)上個月在社群媒體宣布­自NFL退休。他說:「我的身體告訴我時候到­了。」●“It was a bunch of stingers. It got to the point where in the Super Bowl, I’d make contact with my head with anybody [and] I’d have from the base of my head down to my back my arms would go numb. I had herniation­s at a bunch of different levels and really severe stenosis.”「那種刺痛真的非常難受,在超級盃時,只要我的頭部碰到任何­人,從頭底到背都會痛,整條手臂麻掉。我有不同程度的腦疝和­非常嚴重的脊椎狹窄症。」

Stenosis is a narrowing of space in the spine, and a stinger, a common occurrence in football, is a restrictio­n of the nerves that sends a shooting pain (typically with numbness and tingling), usually down an arm.脊椎狹窄症是脊椎內的­空間縮小,刺痛通常出現在美式足­球員身上;發出痛覺的神經損傷,整條手臂出現麻和刺痛­的狀況。●“[The doctor] was like, ‘If you’re going to continue to play football, you’re probably going to have to have fusion surgery on multiple levels,’” Staley said. “I was like, ‘I’m 35. I’ve got kids. I don’t want to not be able to turn my neck for the rest of my life.”「醫生跟我說如果繼續打­球,你可能要接受不同程度­的融合手術。但我想,我已經35歲了,家裡還有孩子。在接下來的人生中,我不想要連頭都沒辦法­轉動。」

Staley made it official in an April 25 tweet, and the 49ers were clearly expecting it, given that they traded for his replacemen­t, Trent Williams.

史達利4月25日在推­特上正式宣布退休,49人也預料到這一步,交易來威廉斯(Trent Williams)頂替他的位置。●“Last year should have been the pinnacle of my career. We had an absolutely unbelievab­le team from the culture to the coaching staff, front office, the players that were around,” he said April 28. “And it was like that the whole entire year. But for me personally, it was really, really difficult because of the injuries.”「去年應該是我生涯顛峰,我們從球隊文化、教練團到決策團隊到球­員陣容,都好得讓人難以置信。」他在4月28日表示,「一整年都維持著巔峰,可惜對我個人而言,因為受傷的緣故,真的非常難熬。」●“I made the decision that for me, family and what my life looks like going forward, it was the right time, I guess if there is a right time away,” Staley said.史達利說:「我為自己、家人以及往後的人生做­出決定, to step我想這是正確­的時間點;如果有淡出賽場的最佳­時機的話。」


 ??  ?? 身為進攻鋒線球員的史­達利(右)替四分衛開路。(路透資料照片)
 ??  ?? 史達利也參與了今年的­超級盃,為生涯畫下句點。(路透資料照片)

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