Herbs & Superfoods

Make a nutritious nettle tea for your plants


Urtica dioica, or stinging nettle, is an herbaceous perennial that’s valued for its medicinal properties. But it’s a pest plant in some areas of New Zealand and banned from sale or propagatio­n. Check with your local council for more details. The annual nettle, Urtica urens, can also be used as a plant tonic.

To make a nettle tea, harvest the leaves (make sure you wear gloves and long trousers) and fill a 10-litre bucket, packing the nettles in. Fill the bucket with water, cover and steep for 2-3 weeks until they decompose (the hotter the weather, the less time they need), stirring occasional­ly. Stirring mixes oxygen – which is essential to the survival of bacteria breaking down the plants – into the liquid. The mix will bubble as it ferments. When it stops bubbling, strain and use at a ratio of 1 part nettles, 10 parts water.

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