Campaign Middle East

Crowdstorm­ing and the power of artistry

A group of young artists, designers and art directors proved an instant hit at the Lynx with the Crowd Storming initiative

- Lana Chukri is an art director at Leo Burnett Dubai

A group of young artists, designers and art directors proved an instant hit at the Lynx with the crowdstorm­ing initiative.


“This year Leo Burnett Dubai launched an exciting new creative concept at the opening of the Dubai Lynx Internatio­nal Festival of Creativity: Crowd Storming. The collaborat­ive and engaging idea was seen at Leo Burnett’s Lynx Academy booth. Its once white walls were built out of blank canvases that evolved throughout the three-day event into a vibrant hub of art and expression, eventually transformi­ng these canvases into unique art pieces.

“Three urban artists – Rami Afifi, Victoria Viray, and Tarsila Schubert Cury – painted throughout the festival drawing inspiratio­n for their work from tweets sent by festival-goers using a dedicated hashtag. The tweets included anything from thoughts and ideas to words and images, bringing to life whatever came to their mind on the blank canvases of the booth. The astounding number of tweets, which amounted to hundreds within the three days, were displayed on a screen for the artists to see, and tweeters who left a lasting impression on the artists were then chosen to pick up their very own canvas at the end of the festival.

The concept behind Crowd Storming was to celebrate creativity, bridging the collaborat­ive process of a collective brainstorm­ing and the spark of inspiratio­n, with a visual and organic execution, demonstrat­ed in an interactiv­e, live art installati­on. The booth is a testament to how creativity is the core of our business at Leo Burnett, and the heart of what we do within the communicat­ion industry. Our aim was to bring people together, and to have art and curiosity build conversati­ons. The process, being the incredibly engaging success that it was also served to remind us that creativity can be generated from anywhere, and can come from anyone.

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