220 Triathlon



Learn about effective training load management. Consider small increases in weekly volume – I’m sure most have heard of the 10% rule (although this doesn’t necessaril­y apply to athletes returning from injury or with high weekly mileage). There are also progressiv­e training plans available via the Her Spirit app for running, cycling, swimming and triathlon.

Remember that training load is about more than just weekly volume. Don’t forget about the effect of different types of terrain, elevation, changes in speed, weather conditions and the effect this has on different soft tissues as well as overall intensity.

Plan recovery into your racing schedule. It takes time for your body to fully recover and go again at such intensity, so plan in your ‘A’ races and use your ‘B’ and ‘C’ races to train, tune up and recover.

Spend as much time optimising your recovery as you spend training. Look at ways to improve your sleep duration and quality, nutrition, stress management, and hydration status. These are all included in Her Spirit’s six-week ‘Learn to Fuel’ programme and via 1-2-1 coaching with the expert team.

Consider adding strength training to your schedule.

Studies have shown that as little as 10mins per day can be effective for increasing performanc­e and potentiall­y reducing certain types of injury.

Her Spirit has a comprehens­ive timetable of strength classes online, with 1-2-1 coaching also available on request.

Listen to your body. You know your body better than anyone else. If something doesn’t feel right and you’re feeling shattered, do the sensible thing and give yourself a day off.

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