Tracy Anderson Magazine

It has been 25 years since I started the Tracy Anderson Method.


It’s time to reflect upon a generation of movement, evolution, and growth, and let the past empower this practice forward into the next chapter. I believe there’s a real opportunit­y for metamorpho­sis right now: as the weather prompts many of us to turn inward, we can create space to celebrate the highs and lows of past seasons, and gently restore to realize new dreams. These are the moments where we build our characters to be strong enough to confront new challenges, and let the parts of life we’ve outgrown fall away like the leaves from the trees. Over time, this practice has brought me closer to my truth: the most authentic versions of my physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. The idea behind The Generation Issue is to honor the culminatio­n of time, transforma­tion, and truth that has shaped the Tracy Anderson Method, and the resulting sense of endless possibilit­y as we move dynamicall­y into the future.

TIMES HAVE CERTAINLY CHANGED over the past 25 years, but a lot of things have come full circle. For one thing, Y2k fashion came, went, and came back again (still waiting for my polka dot leggings to make their comeback!). We’ve experience­d multiple wars, a global pandemic, and polar-opposite government administra­tions. Our daily lives have traveled into virtual dimensions, and social media has altered our perception of ourselves and our relationsh­ips to others in profound ways. But by the same token, a lot remains the same. The fundamenta­ls of this practice were there since the beginning: the consistent, intentiona­l honoring of our primal right to move; the exercise of trusting our bodies’ natural instincts. When it comes to your health and longevity, I think it’s so important to strike a balance between being open to change, and staying close to the most elemental truths that have guided us since ancient times. I asked our fantastic group of experts to explore generation­al questions in different arenas: from science and medicine to politics and psychology. The Generation Issue is a collection of thought-provoking pieces to bridge the gap between our past, present, and future.

WE CURATED A COLLECTION OF ARTICLES that will serve as your longevity toolkit for years to come. The secrets to living long have come to light through recent breakthrou­gh research, so we filled these pages with expert insight to share with you. Leading experts across different fields unpack all areas of physical longevity, from the impact of diet on our DNA to the essentiali­ty of emotional health. This issue also opens up conversati­ons around happiness across generation­s, how to raise our kids to be optimists, and the importance of the 2024 election for future generation­s. Another pillar of longevity? Beauty that actually lasts. You’ll discover the insider secrets from world-class skincare experts and makeup artists about looking and feeling your best at every stage of life. The Tracy Anderson Method was designed to give clients the spark to ignite their most vibrant, enlightene­d lives, so in many ways, the Generation Issue is a celebratio­n of that mission as we move forward.

I HAVE TO BE HONEST: TheGenerat­ionIssueis­coming out during a time when there is profound darkness in the world. This Method is all about aligning our physical beings with our values, and my values are compassion, understand­ing, empathy, love. My heart goes out to everyone experienci­ng profound suffering, whether it’s the violence before our eyes or the pain of wounding words. As you explore the following pages filled with tools and tips for holistic health, I’d like to offer a personal prescripti­on for our collective well-being: be kind. There’s so much in the world civilians cannot control, but one thing we all have the power to do is exercise kindness to others and to ourselves. I believe there’s a reason kindness has been proven to boost cardiovasc­ular health: humans are programmed to be kind. In this practice, I always talk about the importance of returning to our primal self, and I wholeheart­edly believe that we all share the inner truths of kindness and love. When the world feels heavy, remember your core values, return to who you are, and know that you belong. If even a single one of these pages adds a little light to your day, I invite you to share that light with someone else: maybe with a kind word, an act of service, or a gentle hug.

OV E R T H E PA S T 2 5 Y E A R S , you all have lit up my life in ways I couldn’t have ever imagined. You are the reason I show up to this practice every day. I’m so grateful to move dynamicall­y through life with you.

Thank you for your light, Tracy Anderson

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