
Merger mania is at an all-time peak. Yet up to 80 percent of mergers fail because of culture clashes, mismanagement, and the chaos that ensues. Taking this failure rate into account, merger experts Thomas M. Grubb and Robert B. Lamb have written the first book that arms managers with strategies to exploit the many growth and profit opportunities created when competitors are coping with merger chaos. Grubb and Lamb show why firms miss huge financial opportunities when they stay passive while their competitors struggle in merger chaos. They present a fast-paced primer for action when your corporate rivals merge, based on six strategies:

  • Attack your competitors when they are distracted by their mergers' turmoil and confusion.
  • Create a "magnet strategy" to attract and hire your merging competitors' best people while their companies are in a state of merger shock.
  • Use the threat to your firm's survival caused by giant competitors' mergers in order to jump-start your own internal change.
  • Use multiple alliances, networks, licensing, franchising, or joint ventures -- instead of mergers -- to fuel explosive growth.
  • Plan and execute your firm's fast-track mergers and acquisitions.
  • Create a composite strategy by using two or more of the above strategies simultaneously to maximize your growth and profitability.

The authors analyze winning strategies at AOL, General Electric, Dell, Ford, Cisco Systems, and Vodaphone as well as failures at Coca Cola, Boeing, Union Pacific, Compaq, and Sunbeam. The result is "must" reading for operating managers at all levels, investment bankers, and mergers and acquisition specialists.


Thomas Meredith Managing Director, Dell Ventures, and Former Chief Financial Officer, Dell Computer Capitalize on Merger Chaos is a very powerful book filled with deep insights and indelible examples. The authors' splendid analysis spells out why your firm must become a magnet for top talent in order to keep pace in today's global arena.

David M. Darst Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter An excellent and highly original work on how companies and managers can take advantage of heightened merger activity, rather than having it take advantage of them...contains some of the most illuminating and imaginative ways of thinking about business, technology, brands, customers, and corporate cultures that I have yet encountered, all presented in a practical and powerful way.

Peter Lorange, President International Institute for Management Development A must read for today's strategic thinkers.

David A. Nadler Chairman, Mercer Delta Consulting This unique and creative look at one of the dominant trends of our time should be required reading for any executive in an industry where M&A is going on, whether they or their competitors are doing the acquiring. The authors have developed a clear and useful framework, illustrated by helpful examples. A significant contribution!

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