Finding Deep and Wide

Stop Settling for the Life You Have and Live the One Jesus Died to Give You


Stop settling for the life you have and live the one Jesus died to give you.

Book summary/description:

  • Does your relationship with God feel distant and unfulfilled?
  • Are you exhausted by dutifully checking off a spiritual to-do list?
  • Do you yearn for a more satisfying and joyful walk with Christ that feels less like hard work?

Along comes a book daring us not to settle for anything less than what the Bible promises. Let Shellie Rushing Tomlinson illuminate a path that leads you away from formulaic, duty-bound Christianity toward a deep and wide life spent joyfully surrendered to Jesus.

With her signature Southern warmth and humor and poignant storytelling, Shellie retells familiar Bible stories and recasts them in a grace-filled way that will help you see the life Jesus offers you so freely. Her honest, heartfelt, and often hilarious stories of family life in Louisiana reveal Shellie’s own journey from being a rule-following Christian to discovering “the joy of dying to all that trying.” In Finding Deep and Wide, Shellie invites you to stop trying to please God, and be beautifully transformed by Him instead.

Ideal for individual and group study, Finding Deep and Wide includes questions for reflection and growth at the end of each chapter.

About the author(s)

Shellie Rushing Tomlinson is an award-winning author and humorist, a popular blogger and speaker, host of the The Story Table podcast and co-host of Rocking it Grand. Her titles include Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On, and Finding Deep and Wide. She and her husband Phil live and farm in Lake Providence, Louisiana. They hae two children and six grandchildren.

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