Healing Houseplants

How to Keep Plants Indoors for Clean Air, Healthier Skin, Improved Focus, and a Happier Life!


What if the beautiful plants in your home could also become a part of your health routine? Houseplants add vibrancy to any home or office, but many also have significant health benefits you may not even know about. That aloe plant sitting on your window sill can be used as an ointment for scrapes, bruises, and sunburns. A chamomile plant—with its pretty display of white flowers—might be your cure for restless sleep and anxiety. A lavender plant will make your bathroom smell delightful, and can also be used as a stress relief medicinal.
There are a number of houseplants that are easy to grow indoors and that reduce stress, increase productivity, speed up healing, lower depression, increase overall happiness, and filter our air from carcinogenic pollutants. Learn which plants have which health benefits and then find out how to care for them effectively in your home or office.

  • Aloe soothes skin irritations and is excellent for stomach health
  • Rosemary can slow hair loss and enhance memory
  • Chamomile balances blood sugar and is an antibacterial
  • Sage can easy muscle aches and bring mental clarity
  • Dandelions can improve digestion
  • Calendula can reduce skin inflammation
Learn how to make your houseplants thrive and how to utilize them for your health!

About the author(s)

Michelle Polk is a licensed acupuncturist and board certified herbalist who has spent years researching and learning the benefits of plants and herbs. Her interest in nutrition only emphasizes this love of plants and she has accumulated an absurd amount of herbal formulas on her kitchen counters. Her passion for houseplants started as a child and remains to this day, and she has luckily graduated from plant killer to plant guru. Michelle lives and works as a health practitioner and educates her clients daily on the importance of adding plants to their homes and diets. She lives in Chicago, Illinois.

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