
God has and does speak to His people. He wants to speak to you now. So what can you do to better hear and recognize His voice?

Throughout his time as a senior pastor, members of his congregation have asked Pastor David Stine many questions about the Christian faith, but there is one that he continuously hears the most: “How do you make contact with God and hear His voice?”

In Hearing from God, David presents a five-step process designed to help Christians grow in their ability to listen for and better recognize God’s voice. David shares personal stories about how, after applying these steps to his own life, God has specifically answered his prayers and provided clear direction for him. This Scripture-based guide includes a forty-day devotional with carefully chosen Bible passages, questions for reflection, ideas for personal worship, and space for two-way journaling—everything you need to receive God’s message to you.

Hearing from God will transform your ability to hear God’s voice, enrich your relationship with Him, and better understand His will for your life.

About the author(s)

David Stine serves as the Founding Pastor of Metro Church in the Washington DC area.  He has backgrounds in both business and ministry and holds a Masters of Practical Theology and a Doctorate of Ministry in Leadership. He is gifted at making deep theological truths user-friendly for his readers and is known for his dynamic and motivational public speaking. He and his wife, Taryn, along with their four children reside in Florida.


“David Stine’s work and pastoral sensitivities flavor this entire book and his grounding in God’s Word provides its strong foundation and practical viability. Read it—and move forward toward a goal of learning the joys and blessing that transcends the trials and lessons life inevitably brings us all. You will be profited, your heart instructed, your mind sharpened, and your feet secured on your way as you listen to God’s voice.”



Jack W. Hayford Chancellor of The Kings University in Southlake, Texas Pastor Emeritus of The Church of the Way in Van Nuys, California, Author of The Reward of Worship and Prayer: Invading the Impossible

“In a culture where there can be many competing “voices” in our lives, the voice that carries the greatest weight can only come from God. God desires relational intimacy with all of us and this can only be cultivated by learning to listen and recognize His voice. David Stine has written a powerful and highly practical book that de-mystifies this process. This is a must-read for everyone!”

Stovall Weems Lead Pastor of Celebration Church in Jacksonville, Florida, Author of Living the God-First Life

“Having had the privilege of knowing David and his wife personally for over 20 years, I can say that David Stine knows what it means to walk with God. His life is an example of someone who seeks the Lord with all of his heart. This book will help resurrect your walk with God as David uses his testimony and experiences to help you hear God’s voice in your life. David is able to make complicated ideas understandable so that we can apply them to our lives. This book will help you to commit to seeking God first and everything else will be added to you.

Pastor Joe Champion Lead Pastor of Celebration Church in Austin, Texas, Author of Rocked: How to Respond When Life’s Circumstances Rock You to Your Core

“There is nothing more elemental to Christian pursuit or more essential to Christian living than hearing the voice of God. With equal parts good theology and good sense, David Stine’s crack at this age-old question demystifies a cluttered subject and offers refreshing, practical help. With the intellectual honesty of a scientist, the care of a pastor, and the zeal of a man who lives this stuff, he helps us relate to a God who is both mystical and rational.”

Rob Brendle Lead Pastor of Denver United Church in Denver, Colorado Author of In the Meantime: The Practice of Proactive Waiting

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