
Learn to cultivate a traditional, beneficial relationship with the land by embracing the forgotten practices of our ancestors

• Details the ancient art of geomancy and Earth magic, including how to work with ley lines, astrology, and the four directions to honor a space and make it a place of power

• Explores the magic of the land around us and how our ancestors interacted with Earth energies and the forces of Nature

• Discusses the power of boundaries and magic circles, the proper “feng shui” of graveyards and cemeteries, and magically powerful places such as crossroads, fairgrounds, and the mystic triangles found in “no-man’s lands”

Our ancestors were deeply aware of the magical power of their local landscape, no matter where they lived. Every interaction with their environment--from building to farming to the layout of ancient cities--took into account terrestrial energies, ancestral memory, and the many seen and unseen presences in Nature. They developed sophisticated procedures for orienting their living spaces and respectfully working with the magic of the landscape. Yet, much of the art of geomancy and of working with the forces of Nature has been forgotten by modern builders, architects, foresters, gardeners, and homeowners. The treatment of land as mere property has led to a loss of its meaning for those who dwell upon it. Our landscape has become disenchanted.

In this book, geomancy expert and scholar Nigel Pennick details the ancient and sacred practices of geomancy and Earth magic and reveals how we can reenchant and reconnect to the sacred landscape that surrounds us, whether you live rurally, in the suburbs, or in cities. Pennick begins with a vivid look at our modern “wasteland” and what he calls “the ensouled world,” with specific examples from Britain and Iceland of our ancestors’ way of perceiving the world they lived in. Exploring the art of geomancy, he examines how its techniques work with ley lines, astrology, and the old understanding of the four directions and the eight winds to honor a space and make it a place of power. He looks at the power of boundaries and magic circles, including laying ghosts and dismissing spirits, as well as the proper “feng shui” for cemeteries and graveyards. The author then takes the reader back into the traditional landscape to discuss magically powerful places, such as crossroads, the occult nature of the “fairground,” and the mystic triangles found in what are popularly known as “no-man’s lands.”

Revealing how the landscape can be reenchanted, Pennick shows how the magic of place is a living system that each of us can interact with.

About the author(s)

Nigel Pennick is an authority on ancient belief systems, traditions, runes, and geomancy and has traveled and lectured extensively in Europe and the United States. He is the author and illustrator of more than 50 books, including The Pagan Book of Days. The founder of the Institute of Geomantic Research and the Library of the European Tradition, he lives near Cambridge, England.


“Richly researched! A fascinating insight into a practice in need of returning, one that will go a long way in healing and reclaiming a magical relationship with the sacred landscape.”

“More often than not, modern humans have stumbled obliviously and deleteriously across the landscape they inhabit. Accordingly, their perception of reality has become ever more shallow, superficial, and desacralized--or, worst of all, may now be abandoned entirely in favor of virtual simulacra. Swimming against this tide for over half a century, Nigel Pennick is a tireless explorer and surveyor of the ensouled and eldritch world that still persists around us, despite our blind and clumsy attempts to constantly ‘develop’ and smother it for short-term gains. At its root, Magic in the Landscape is a treatise about the authenticity that results from meaningful human interaction with the earth and its myriad energies. In this modest ‘spiritual gazetteer,’ Pennick reveals some of the countless crossroads where local traditions and topography intersect, always with the aim of shedding light upon the deeper soulscape that these practices reflect.”

“In this book, Nigel expertly weaves together a narrative exploring the power of place and humankind’s changing relationship with it. It is a thought-provoking and well-written exploration of the physical and spiritual aspects of the landscape, revealing the world about us to be more than an impersonal backdrop against which we live out our lives. Within these pages, Nigel reminds us of the importance of how we choose to orient ourselves within this ensouled world and of the necessity for discernment in any mundane and magical interactions we might make with the land beneath our heels.”

“In this book, Pennick does what he does so well--wears his deep learning lightly and makes more profound and highly readable connections between magic and the visible world than you could shake a geomantic staff at. He reminds us of the necessity of sacred space and the disenchantment of the world, demolishing the prettification of rural Britain and our loss of magical tradition. He also shows that what we now call feng shui existed in Britain long before it got fashionable and that just a few centuries ago major buildings were founded at times and places indicated by astrology. Should we need such a reminder, a postscript on magic makes it clear that Pennick is not some tenured academic toeing the scientism party line but a practicing magician who is writing from real personal experience.”

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