
When two old flames come back to their home town, sparks are bound to ignite. A rural romance from USA Today bestselling author Alyssa J. Montgomery.

A horrific car accident ended former world number-one Stella Simpson’s tennis career, and a betrayal ended her relationship with her fiancé/coach. When a family friend offers to sell her half of a property in the rural community where she grew up, it seems like the perfect place to escape, heal and begin the next phase of her life. Until she discovers that the man who broke her heart ten years ago has bought the other half of the same property.

Mitchell Scott seemingly had it all: fame and fortune as one of the NFL’s highest-paid quarterbacks, and a beautiful family. But wealth and celebrity can’t compensate for a loveless, toxic marriage, and he’s glad to give it all up to raise his son in the one place that always brought him peace. Encountering Stella again so long after the messy end to their relationship is a complication he doesn’t need — but one he finds himself wanting.

As each tries to build a new life, they are drawn to each other, and find that their chemistry is just as strong as it ever was. When the press gets wind of their romance and descend on Hope Creek looking for a scoop, Mitchell’s malicious ex-wife isn’t far behind. Will she tear apart everything they’ve built, or will their love be stronger the second time around?

About the author(s)

USA Today bestselling author Alyssa J. Montgomery lives with her husband and three children on a five-acre property nestled into a mountain range south of Sydney, Australia, and enjoys having the space for gardens, a dog, horses, goats and chickens. Visits from the native wildlife (echidnas, wallabies and a variety of native birds) are particularly welcome ... although visits from native wildlife with scales and fangs aren't met with quite as much enthusiasm!

She continues to work in her private practice as a Speech-Language Pathologist. Previously she's done a stint with Qantas Airways as an international flight attendant, completed her Master of Science degree, and has also been a professional pianist.

If you'd like to know more about Alyssa, her books, or to connect with her online, you can visit her webpage:

Follow her on Twitter: @Alyssaromance or like her Facebook page:


'A beautiful story of second chances and moving forward.' NetGalley review

'This story exudes warmth but there are also sexual undertones aplenty. I enjoyed reading it.' NetGalley review

'This was a good book with sympathetic characters and a decent storyline. Thanks Ms Montgomery, for writing a compelling romance.' NetGalley review

'This is a beautiful story, I loved it and it is so well written I felt all the pain and happiness that Stella and Mitchell had gone through as MS. Montgomery bought them to life on the pages, this is one that I highly recommend and I am looking forward to at least a couple more stories from Hope Creek.' NetGalley review