
Strengthen the Power of Your Craft by Creating and Casting Your Own Unique Spells


Craft your own magic with this comprehensive guide to creating, customizing, and casting unique spells, charms, and potions.

Make your own magic! Spellcrafting is a step-by-step guide to writing your own spells and timing them for the best effect. As a spellcrafter, you may know how to create spells but you’re ready to learn more. From different types of spells to the intentions and powers of different ingredients, you will have everything you need to create unique magic that works best for you.

Spellcrafting goes beyond basic spell books to explore how and why your magic works, what you can do to improve and strengthen it, and how to troubleshoot when things don’t go as planned. Now you can take your magic into your own hands and create a completely personalized spell for wherever life may take you.

About the author(s)

Arin Murphy-Hiscock is the author of The Green Witch’s GrimoireSpellcraftingThe Pregnant Goddess, WiccaThe Green WitchThe Way of the Hedge WitchHouse Witch, The Witch’s Book of Self-Care, Pagan PregnancySolitary Wicca for Life, and The Hidden Meaning of Birds—A Spiritual Field Guide. She has been active in the field of alternative spirituality for over twenty years and lives in Montreal, Canada.


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“A must have for any practicing witch.”


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