
How to enhance well-being by reconnecting to sacred womanhood

• Shares ways to embody the power, wisdom, and compassion of the Great Mother

• Reveals a woman’s purpose is to give birth not only to new life but also to new levels of consciousness

• Shows how female illnesses represent a disconnection from our true identity as women

Four thousand years ago, women were seen as living representatives of the Great Mother, whose cyclical and potent energy gave birth to all existence. Today, this sacred awareness has been lost or distorted, causing a collective amnesia among women around the world. However, there is one symbol of the Great Mother’s loving presence that has remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years: the physical body. Its curves, sensuality, softness, and monthly flow are constant reminders of this deep loving connection. When illness appears, especially within the breasts and fertility organs, a woman is being reminded to return to her pure and sacred identity, where death and birth are essential for growth and love flows without expectations.

Combining more than 30 years’ experience in health care with in-depth research into the history and mythology of the divine feminine, Christine R. Page, M.D., reveals that women are the foundation of the birth of new levels of consciousness, without which the evolution of humanity will become barren and dry. Yet, such birth can occur only when women have the courage to reject the beliefs and images of the feminine imposed upon them four thousand years ago and reclaim their true identity. Through a fascinating journey into the body, Dr. Page shows the importance of self-love and self-respect and explains how sex is a natural process of unification where women take the lead, similar to the ancient sacred priestesses. Dr. Page reminds women to reconnect to the potent and creative energy of Mother Earth, which gives power to the intuitive voice of the heart and nurtures new seeds of inspiration and enlightenment through the womb.

About the author(s)

Christine R. Page, M.D., began her medical practice in London in 1978 and combined it with homeopathy in 1989. She is an international seminar leader on subtle energy and energy medicine, having created a three-level training program to enhance the power of intuition for health care professionals. She is the author of Frontiers of Health: How to Heal the Whole Person and Spiritual Alchemy. She lives in California.


“In her book The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman, Christine R. Page, M.D., asks a question of timeless importance: ‘How do we really connect with the feminine essence?’ It’s clear she has also lived the question, in both ordinary and extraordinary ways, making this more than an ordinary book, but a pure expression of the search for the most authentic answer. You’ll discover insights and ancient wisdom on every page, because it is all within you, waiting for your inevitable embrace.”

“Filled with practical analogies, you will explore the depth of emotions and perceptions and learn to reconnect by examining the ancient, historic and proven examples throughout the ages.”

“At this moment I urge you, courageous man or woman, to open your heart and spirit to investigate this book and find what wisdom awaits you, the deepest part of you, to help you answer an essential question, ‘What am I here to do?’ I believe this book helps provide an answer.”

“I found this book to be fascinating. As a woman, I appreciated her exploration into sacred feminine sexuality and found her section on Awakening the Serpent and Dragon Power (page 151-171) enlightening and reminiscent of the techniques used in the ancient temples of the high priestesses...I rate this book Five Stars out of a Five Star rating and recommend that it be a part of any metaphysicians library.”

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