
Four decades after And the Band Played On created an image of the AIDS epidemic that has survived in the public consciousness to this very day, mathematician Rebecca Culshaw is sounding the alarm that everything that iconic book told us about AIDS is demonstrably wrong. And that mistaken understanding of AIDS and its cause has the potential to affect all of us, not just certain so-called risk groups. In The Real AIDS Epidemic, Rebecca Culshaw describes her slow uncovering of these reasons over her years researching HIV for her work constructing mathematical models of its interaction with the immune system. It is rare that a researcher, having studied HIV, ever expresses any doubt in the paradigm, and an even rarer event still when she abandons the field altogether. Culshaw's book, updated from its original edition, which was titled Science Sold Out, is one of the great insider-turned-whistleblower stories of our time.
The Real AIDS Epidemic focuses on the politics of the changing definition of AIDS and the flaws in all HIV testing. In a much broader sense, it explains how the current, government-based structure of scientific research has corrupted science as the search for truth. It offers not only scientific reasons for HIV/AIDS being untenable, but also sociological explanations as to how the theory was accepted by the media and the world so quickly. In particular, this book offers a scathing criticism of the outrageous discriminatory measures that have been leveled at HIV-positives from the inception. She also warns that the toxic drugs being foisted on the Black and gay communities constitute one of the worst medical violations of human rights since the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. 
The compelling case she makes that the AIDS establishment has led us into a biomedical disaster through incompetence, fraud, and deceit will have many readers throwing their hands up and feeling helpless and hopeless. But she does something no other book that is critical about HIV and AIDS has done. She suggests a series of strategic actions the scientific community, Congress, the media, and the public can take to undo the damage that the powerful AIDS establishment has done since the epidemic began in 1981.



“In the AIDS war, the mathematicians played a unique and vital part. They're bound to reality, by definition. I'm happy to see Rebecca Culshaw return with this excellent book, that clarifies and reverses the immense HIV mythology. Her understanding transcends the scientific/mathematical though, such as this stunning, wounding, and very true line in her book: 'The HIV causes AIDS paradigm is at its heart racist and anti-gay.' Few people are as keenly attuned to all the facets of the HIV beast as Culshaw, and she brings new light to it all, with each page.”
—Celia Farber, journalist and author of Serious Adverse Events

“An excellent account of the most shameful episode in the history of medicine. Rebecca Culshaw has pulled it all together: a history of inept and dishonest AIDS ‘science,’ the manifold reasons HIV cannot be the cause of AIDS, the harmfulness of AIDS drugs, the physical and psychological human suffering caused by the AIDS hoax.”
—John Lauritsen, author of Poison by Prescription: The AZT Story and The AIDS War

“If we are to have any hope for the future of humanity, it is imperative that we arm ourselves with the deeply researched data-driven evidence that Rebecca presents for us, which unveils the corrupt and criminal past of Anthony Fauci, the National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control.”
—Käla Mandrake, writer/director of The Real Anthony Fauci documentary film

“The entire situation with the measures taken supposedly against the coronavirus has been an eye opener. Having read, at the time, the first edition of this book and again in this context [the new edition], I was thoroughly impressed by the prophetic quality of the work. The AIDS situation was pretty much a lower-scale dress rehearsal for the COVID-19 situation. The Real AIDS Epidemic demonstrates just how far dogma has strayed from what may be termed empirical, objectively measured reality. The rot is described at every level: scientific, corporate, bureaucratic-regulatory, health care practice, patients, media, and the public at large. A most timely release of a new expanded edition of an excellent critique of the AIDS branch of science and more generally all of science. Highly recommended.”
—Vicentiu Tipu, PhD, mathematics, University of Toronto

“It is a great relief to read the latest version of Dr. Rebecca Culshaw's book. Those of us who lived through those years challenging the science behind the HIV/AIDS hypothesis feared that the same mistakes would go unchecked when COVID broke. But now Dr. Culshaw has expertly juxtaposed the deeply flawed science behind HIV and AIDS with the equally flawed science behind COVID. Culshaw lashes out at ‘science by consensus’ and at ‘pharmaceutical company-funded science.’ She points to the way the medical establishment ruthlessly experimented on poor, often African Americans in the early days of AIDS and describes the rollout of the COVID vaccine as a ‘massively unethical trial conducted in real time on the entire population.’ This book will enlighten and astonish its readers. It may make them angry enough to call for an end to the censorship that has so far not allowed the truth to come out about AIDS and COVID.”
—Joan Shenton, author of Positively False: Exposing the Myths around HIV and AIDS.


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