The Corona Transmissions

Alternatives for Engaging with COVID-19—from the Physical to the Metaphysical


• Includes contributions from 35 well-known authors, doctors, herbalists, First Nations teachers, economists, astrologers, and others, such as Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Annabel Lee, Matthew Wood, Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Rob Brezsny, and Robert Simmons

• All royalties for this book go to the Land Peace foundation, serving First Nations tribes in Maine

The pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the biggest event of our lifetimes. This global experience has affected human history, ecology, epidemiology, and supply chains with the suddenness of 9/11, yet with a far greater extent, duration, and toll--the end of which is not yet in sight.

Exploring a broad spectrum of new perspectives on COVID-19, from the physical to the metaphysical, from ecological to political, from apocalyptic to proto-utopian, and from scientific facts and health tips to imaginings, visionings, poems, and awakenings, this anthology offers an antidote to the barrage of data and speculation from the mainstream. The 35 contributors, including Laura Aversano, Charles Eisenstein, Zoe Brezsny, Meryl Nass, M.D., Bobby Byrd, and Joel and Michelle Levey, address the virus as a fellow being, allowing it to speak to us and through us. They attempt to describe, understand, interpret, and decipher the virus at biological, serological, epidemiological, social, political, astrological, and ontological levels.

The virus is explored in terms of cultural critique, divination, prophecy, warning, elucidation, and opportunity. Medical doctors, herbalists, naturopaths, indigenous healers, and homeopathic physicians tell us about coronavirus history, treatments, and prevention protocols; yoga teachers about cultivating inner balance and harmony; and economists, poets, psychotherapists, and First Nations teachers about the vast effects of the virus and the way forward. They explore how the disease speaks directly and how it meticulously addresses our relationship to Gaia, to its animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms, to each other, and to the economies and dystopia we have created.

As a visionary whole, The Corona Transmissions asks you to respond, to engage your wisdom and creative imagination, to resist easy categorization and resolutions, and to participate in a collective dance and chant for healing, peace, equality, and a habitable future. Viruses do not live except by virtue of us carrying them. We are the living ones and our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits will prevail.

About the author(s)

Sherri Mitchell (Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset) was born and raised on the Penobscot Indian reservation. She received her Juris Doctorate and a certificate in Indigenous People’s Law and Policy from the University of Arizona’s James E. Rogers College of Law. Sherri is an alumna of the American Indian Ambassador program and the Udall Native American Congressional Internship program and received the Mahoney Dunn International Human Rights and Humanitarian Award, for research into Human Rights violations against Indigenous Peoples. She was a longtime advisor to the American Indian Institute’s Healing the Future Program and currently serves as an advisor to the Indigenous Elders and Medicine People’s Council of North and South America. She is the Founding Director of the Land Peace Foundation, an organization dedicated to the global protection of Indigenous rights and the preservation of the Indigenous way of life. Prior to forming the Land Peace Foundation, Sherri served as a law clerk to the Solicitor of the United States Department of Interior, as an Associate with Fredericks, Peebles and Morgan Law Firm, a civil rights educator for the Maine Attorney General’s Office, and as the Staff Attorney for the Native American Unit of Pine Tree Legal. Sherri is the author of the award-winning book Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change.

Richard Grossinger is the curator of Sacred Planet Books, a member of the Inner Traditions editorial board, the founder and former publisher of North Atlantic Books, and a founding copublisher of Io, a seminal interdisciplinary literary journal that ran from 1964–1993. He attended Amherst College and completed a PhD in ecological anthropology at the University of Michigan. He has written more than 30 widely acclaimed books on alternative medicine, cosmology, embryology, and consciousness, including Dark Pool of Light: Reality and Consciousness, The Night Sky: Soul and Cosmos, and Bottoming Out the Universe.

Through the Sacred Planet collection, published under the umbrella of the Inner Traditions family of imprints, Grossinger continues his long-standing publishing talent for developing deep co-creative relationships with authors. His main psychospiritual practices have been dreams and symbols, t’ai chi ch’uan, craniosacral therapy, and the Sethian system of psychic energy taught by John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher. Sacred Planet continues these themes while emphasizing other urgent topics: climate, permaculture, alchemy, biological transmutation, viral transmission, meta-politics, hyperobjects, spiritwalking, shapeshifting, the etheric realm, oracles, locutions, time travel, astrology, crystals, and subtle bodies.

Grossinger lives in Portland, Maine, and Berkeley, California.

Kathy Glass is an editor and writer with interests in the ecosystem and environment, eco and human justice, adventure travel, and networking with and helping each other. She lives in California's North Coast region.


"Finally! What a breath of fresh air! Rather than focus on the virus, virus, virus of this pandemic, and rather than increasing the volume on fear-mongering, this remarkable anthology focuses more on the other side of the infectious disease equation: what can we do to strengthen our body's immune and defense system so that we will be more likely to fight off infection or at least sharply reduce its complications? And what is the meaning of this pandemic for this day and age? Are there silver linings, or perhaps rainbow linings, to this pandemic? Maybe our civilization needed some slowing down. Maybe American exceptionalism needed to be questioned. Maybe human evolution needed to learn how to incorporate new viruses into our biome to make it yet stronger and more adaptable to its environment. In any case, this diverse collection of writers, poets, philosophers, physicians, scientists, psychologists, herbalists, homeopaths, and healers bring light to the shadow of this pandemic."

“The voices in The Corona Transmissions instilled a greater sense of meaning to the events that we’re living through, helping me to shift from a personal view to a transpersonal view that encompasses a greater range of possibilities. Reading the writer’s words made me feel reconnected to humanity, assured that we’re all in this together and there’s space for the perspective of everyone. In fact, it’s vital that we come together and share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and this book is a magnificent start to the dismantling, processing, re-envisioning needed to prevail.”

"We are all desperate for guidance when there seems to be so little sage advice. These are alternative views on the subject, but they are not crazed or conspiracy-led and are all backed up by decades of learning and experience."

"This stimulating book consists of alternatives for engaging with Covid-19, ‘from physical to metaphysical.’ There are 35 contributions consisting of stories, poetry, inspirations, medical information and healing modalities, and interdisciplinary analyses where the standout essays are by Richard Grossinger and Charles Eisenstein. Richard weaves together multiple and conflicting narratives and his message is to seek common ground on the basis that the virus has brought to light many long incubating crises as well as the limits and hazards of dominant scientific and medical approaches."

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