
Simple do-it-yourself home remedies for better health and healing

• Verifies the common sense of folk medicine with the latest medical research

• Reveals easy steps to boost immunity and address common ailments like allergies, sleep disorders, cardiovascular problems, sexual dysfunction, and excess weight

• Explains how to reduce your risk of cancer, heart attack, and Alzheimer’s

In You Are Your Own Best Medicine, Frédéric Saldmann, M.D., verifies the common sense of folk medicine with the latest medical research to reveal simple do-it-yourself remedies that activate the body’s natural healing powers and address common ailments like allergies, sleep disorders, cardiovascular problems, sexual dysfunction, and excess weight. You will learn:
• how washing your hands helps your mood,
• why hitting snooze on your alarm makes you tired,
• how pistachios are more effective than Viagra,
• simple acupressure tricks to relieve cramps, congestion, and other acute conditions,
• how dark chocolate helps you lose weight,
• which sleep position increases your risk of cancer,
• the role of gut flora and probiotics in alleviating asthma,
• how kissing boosts the immune system and helps wounds heal faster,
• the importance of replacing your pillow regularly,
• and much, much more . . .

Sharing startling study results, Dr. Saldmann explains how reducing your calorie intake by 30% each day can increase your life expectancy by 20% and how 30 minutes of exercise a day reduces your risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, and cardiovascular disease by 40%! He discusses how to combat the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields, which are now implicated in insomnia as well as the onset of certain diseases. He explains how to overcome constipation and get a flat stomach in the process.

Giving full scientific backing to home remedies that were well known three generations ago, as well as providing his own tips and tricks from his years as a respected medical doctor in Paris, Dr. Saldmann shows how the body can produce its own medicines and, given the opportunity, prevent illness altogether.

About the author(s)

Frédéric Saldmann, M.D., is a physician at the hospitals of Paris and a recognized expert in cardiology, nutrition, and hygiene. The author of several books, including Wash Your Hands: Dirty Truths about Germs, Viruses, and Epidemics, he lives in France.


"Saldmann is the new oracle of wellness and of eternal youth."

"Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made and built with an innate system that always strives for health. When our interference is too great, the stage is then set for dis-ease. You Are Your Own Best Medicine by Frederic Saldmann, M.D. is a manual of self care that will help put you back on the road to wellness or help to keep you there by harnessing your body's own healing potential!"

"Did you know that you can lose weight by eating 30 grams of chocolate a day--or having dessert with breakfast? Or that cherry juice is a sleep inducer? Or that kissing can cure allergies? Or that pistachios are more effective than Viagra? Filled with backup research references (pages of it at the end of every chapter), this is a much softer sell than most of the lifestyle protocols that are flooding the market these days. Easy, and interesting, to read and absorb, the information is cutting edge yet tested in the real world. Dr. Saldmann’s intent is to restore faith in the ability of the body to heal itself, often with minimal (or no) external intervention. He’s elevating folk remedies and good old common sense to the level of prescribed medical guidance. The book begins with weight loss, one of the biggest causes of increased health challenges and one of the most difficult lifestyle issues to get under control. The second chapter, predictably, deals with exercise--how much, how often, and why it is important. He includes discussions of the intricacies of handwashing, protecting ourselves and our loved ones from exposure to infection without shutting down our immune systems, dealing with stress and depression (with and without medication), maximizing brain function, and incorporating alternative healing techniques into prevention and curative regimens. This is a new perspective on a hot topic that you won’t want your customers to miss!”

“Dr. Saldmann gives guidelines on losing excess weight, exercising, improving sleep patterns, having a more fulfilling sex life, eliminating stress and depression, training cognitive and memory functions, and more. He has solutions for common health problems including allergies, advice on using pressure point therapies for emergencies and everyday care, and explanations on how mysterious, spontaneous healing forces can be used to advantage. He cites surprising statistics, e.g., that reducing your daily calorie intake by 30 per cent can increase your life expectancy by 20 per cent, and that exercising for 30 minutes a day can reduce your risk of getting cancer, Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease by 40 per cent. This is sound, actionable advice for one and all.”

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