Woolworths TASTE



Serves 10


GREAT VALUE Preparatio­n: 35 minutes Baking: 50 minutes

For the date caramel: fresh Medjool dates 400 g, pitted water 2–4 T sea salt, to taste

For the coconut flake topping: free-range egg whites 3 caster sugar 6T coconut flakes 150 g

For the coconut cake sponge: baking powder 4t flour 480 g desiccated coconut 160 g milk 1 cup butter 400 g caster sugar 220 g

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. To make the date caramel, place the dates, 2 T water and a generous pinch of sea salt in a food processor and blend until smooth. Add a little more water if necessary to loosen to a paste-like consistenc­y. Set aside.

2 To make the topping, combine the ingredient­s and set aside. 3 To make the cake, place all the ingredient­s in a bowl, then mix to combine – it is not a very loose batter. Pat the batter into 2 x 16 x 10 x 3 cm greased and lined loaf tins and bake for 30–40 minutes, or until lightly golden and cooked through. 4 Remove from the oven and spread the date caramel onto the cake, then spoon over the topping and bake for a further 8–10 minutes, or until the coconut is golden and crunchy. 5 Allow to cool before slicing into squares. Serve with a drizzle of maple syrup, or decorate with

Woolworths chocolate hen’s eggs filled with caramel sauce.

WINE: Woolworths Bellevue

Pinotage 2017

If you like combining hot cross buns with pickled fish, swap the pitas for a few fruit-studded buns

and enjoy the sweet-tangy combo”

– Hannah Lewry

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