Woolworths TASTE




“Home-made pasta, in a silky sauce of double cream, Parmesan and fresh truffle (or nutmeg, which is easier to get hold of and just as tasty!) is a well-known Italian dish that I cooked up for Goldie – she loves it! This is my take, swapping in some single cream to make it a little less naughty.

Trust me, it’s still a heavenly mouthful.”


Total time: 45 minutes, plus resting

royal pasta dough ½ (recipe available at jamieolive­r.com) fine semolina, for dusting double cream 150 ml cream 150 ml large free-range egg 1

Parmesan 60 g, plus extra to serve fresh truffle 1 (or 1 whole nutmeg), for grating truffle oil

1 Make the royal pasta dough. Once it's relaxed for 30 minutes, roll out the pasta to 2 mm thick. Set up the fettuccine attachment on your pasta machine and gently run through each pasta sheet, placing on a semolina-dusted tray as you go. Or, if making by hand, loosely roll up the pasta sheets, cut into strips just over ½ cm wide, then use your fingertips to shake out and separate into strands. 2 When ready, cook the fettuccine in a large pan of boiling salted water for 1–2 minutes, or until al dente. Meanwhile, gently heat all the cream in a large frying pan over a low heat, then separate the egg and whisk the yolk into the pan (save the white for another day). 3 Finely grate and gently whisk in the Parmesan, then season with sea salt and black pepper.

4 Using tongs, drag the pasta straight into the sauce, taking a little cooking water with it. Toss together, adding extra splashes of cooking water to loosen into a lovely, silky sauce, if needed. Plate up with fine gratings of truffle or nutmeg and a good grating of Parmesan, drizzle with a little truffle oil and serve right away. CALORIES 612 kcal, FAT 38.5 g, SAT FAT 19.8 g, PROTEIN 22.8 g, CARBS 44.7 g, SUGAR 3 g, SALT 0.6 g, FIBRE 1.7 g

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