Woolworths TASTE


- @iloveavoca­doSA @iloveavosS­A

IN SOUTH AFRICA, we’re lucky enough to have locally grown avocados available almost all-year round, thanks to our farmers who grow both greenand dark-skinned avos. The green-skinned varieties (known for their creamy, buttery flesh), such as Fuerte, are available from March through to October, while the nutty darkskinne­d Hass and Gem varieties are available from March until November. This means you can enjoy their health benefits – they’re a source of potassium, copper, fibre and antioxidan­t nutrients – year round. And they’re so delicious and versatile, they’ll improve almost any savoury (and the odd sweet) dish. Go on, add an avo to your meal. avocado.co.za.

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