
• Describes the Celtic rituals of honoring death and dying and offers prayers, meditations, and blessings for the time of transition

• Offers reflective questions and exercises to explore your beliefs, attitudes, and fears around your own death

• Includes the sacred meditation of traveling with the dead as offered by an anam-áire or Celtic soul carer

THE CELTS BELIEVED in the transmigration of the soul, in the magical rhythm of life with a particular order of coming and going for each soul. As they celebrated every new stage of their lives with a ritual, they also honoured the passing of a soul--the death of the physical body.

In her decades of work with the dying, Phyllida Anam-Áire has revived the ancient Celtic tradition of watching with the dying and traveling with the soul after death. Integrating the wisdom of her Celtic ancestors with modern knowledge of the death process, she shows how a peaceful transition for the leaving person is possible and how this process can be consciously supported by relatives or friends.

Reflective exercises and meditations help us become aware of our beliefs and fears around dying and acknowledge our own death as a natural transformation, allowing our essence to move on into love. Once we come to terms with our own mortality, we will find it easier to assist family and friends in their last hours in this life. Rituals, prayers, and blessings in this guide offer compassionate support for the one transitioning and for those left behind. Phyllida also shares the sacred meditation of traveling with the dead as held by a Celtic Anam-Áire, or soul carer. In addition, she addresses many practical questions around the care for the dying and their environment during and after the process, stressing the importance of silence.

A practical yet soulful guidebook, A Celtic Book of Dying deepens our spiritual understanding of the internal journey of the dying and the adventurous afterdeath journey still to embark on. Dying is the most natural step we will ever take.

About the author(s)

Phyllida Anam-Áire, a former Irish nun, as well as grandmother and therapist, who trained with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, has worked extensively with the sick and dying. She offers Conscious Living, Conscious Dying retreats in Europe and gives talks on children and dying to nurses and palliative care workers. Also a songwriter, she teaches Celtic Gutha or Caoineadh, Irish songs or sounds of mourning. The author of A Celtic Book of Dying, Phyllida lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.


"Drawing upon both Celtic and Christian traditions, The Last Ecstasy of Life: Celtic Mysteries of Death and Dying is a metaphysical exploration of death as a transition of the soul's boundaries. Thoroughly accessible to readers of all backgrounds, The Last Ecstasy of Life offers insights on how to help those who are dying, learning to accept death as preparation for what lies beyond, sample Celtic blessings and poems, and much more. The Last Ecstasy of Life is a comforting browse and resource for anyone going through the difficult process of saying goodbye to a loved one, or confronting their own final days. It should be noted for personal reading lists that this book is also available in a Kindle edition ($9.99)."

“When Phyllida Anam-Áire speaks, writes, or sings, she takes you on a soul’s journey! A Celtic Book of Dying will take you to a deeper understanding of Celtic consciousness that encompasses conscious dying as well as conscious living, as the one cannot be understood without the other. Everything Phyllida teaches comes out of her own experience and is therefore always authentic. I am deeply grateful for the wisdom she is passing on to us and for encouraging us always to embody this wisdom and to live it instead of understanding it intellectually.”

“Phyllida draws from the deep well of her own life journey and the wellsprings of the ancient spiritual and mythological wisdom held within the ancestral memory of Ireland. Our ancestors embodied a nondualistic perspective concerning life and death that emerged from their close connections with the natural world and its rhythms. Life was understood as a river of presence that flowed in and out of many different forms, and death was understood as a natural part of the continuum of life, death, and rebirth. Earlier cultures saw death as a transformation of form rather than the end of life. These insights are urgently needed in our death-phobic culture. This book is a wonderful spiritual, philosophical, and practical resource to educate and guide people who are dying and those who are journeying with them. With insights, practices, prayers, and blessings to support the journey for everyone involved, this book offers all of us an amazing opportunity to grow in awareness, in consciousness, and in unconditional love and acceptance.”

“Phyllida writes with a natural flowing style that invites the reader in. A Celtic Book of Dying is a gift for those wishing to know more about the dying process and an invaluable aid in assisting a dying loved one. I highly recommend it.”

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