
‘Abd al-Rahman b. ‘Amr al-Awza‘i (c.707–774) was Umayyad Syria’s most influential jurist, part of a generation of scholars who began establishing the first formal structures for the preservation and dissemination of religious knowledge. Following the Abbasid revolution, they provided a point of stability in otherwise unstable times.

Despite his close ties to the old regime, al-Awza‘i continued to participate in legal and theological matters in the Abbasid era. Although his immediate impact would prove short-lived, his influence on aspects of Islamic law, particularly the laws of war, endures to this day.


‘Despite the fragmentary evidence at his disposal, Judd has given us a nuanced and well-rounded portrait of the life and teaching of an important but largely neglected jurist and theologian of the formative period of Islamic legal thought.’

R. Stephen Humphreys, Professor Emeritus of History and Islamic Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara

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