EmployER Engagement

The Fresh and Dissenting Voice on the Employment Relationship


The signs of discontent are all there, yet they are ignored. Workplaces are suffering from unnecessary turnover, unfilled positions, lost customers, overworked staff, and compromised profit. Taking the guesswork out of engagement and retention, EmployER Engagement is the fresh and dissenting voice on the employment relationship.

You’ve heard it too many times: “I’ve got to update my résumé.” “I can’t work for that jerk anymore.” “I’m sick of having that carrot dangling in my face.” “This is a dead-end job; I’m out.”


It happens every day. The signs of discontent are all there, yet they are ignored. Workplaces are suffering from unnecessary turnover, unfilled positions, lost customers, overworked staff, and compromised profit. Employee morale is flat, clever but empty perks continue to fail, and everyone knows that employee engagement scores are a joke. Poaching is the new best practice, and employees are bailing.

Like it or not, employees have control in this high-stakes, employee-in-control market. And this employee market will continue for some time. It’s simple demographic science. US workers will hold the hammer for years to come.


Here’s the deal, employer: There are plenty of people to do all the work that needs to be done; they’re just working somewhere else. Employees don’t need you; you need them. So how can you recruit the best employees and keep them working for you? The answer is clear: companies CAN and MUST become better employers.


Taking the guesswork out of engagement and retention, EmployER Engagement is the fresh and dissenting voice on the employment relationship.

About the author(s)

Thomas F. Mahan is the founder and chairman of the Work Institute. A workforce researcher and organization behavior scientist, Tom works with companies to reduce wasteful human capital expense. As a professional counselor, Dr. Mahan works with troubled and troubling managers. As a writer, he has coauthored The Why Factor: Winning with Workforce Intelligence and Top Drawer Dads: Celebrating Fathers as They Shape Our Lives.

Danny A. Nelms, MBA, is president of the Work Institute, cowriter of The Why Factor: Winning with Workforce Intelligence, and a highly sought-after public speaker. Nelms is an agent of change, a thought leader, and an expert in helping companies forge new directions that improve business results. With his insights into the human capital dynamics of an organization, based on sound, data-driven research, Nelms gives valuable recommendations for the challenges that organizations face and provides companies with the tools they need to successfully manage organizational improvement.

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