

I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK! is the story of an unvaccinated child named Nicholas Novaks, who shares the many reasons why his parents have chosen not to vaccinate him. Nicholas explains his parents’ personal concerns about vaccine injury, the importance of finding a doctor they can trust and openly speak with, the research they did before making this decision, and what life is like for an unvaccinated child who has an older, vaccine-injured sibling.  

Inspired by the personal stories of vaccine-injured children, which have been shared with Dr. Shannon Kroner over many years of working with special needs families, Dr. Kroner aims to raise awareness of the importance of vaccine choice and the necessity of doing the research before making an important decision such as vaccination. 

Join Nicholas as he shares what it means to be an unvaccinated child in today’s world and why one's personal choice regarding vaccination must always be respected.

I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK! is published through ICAN PRESS, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing. ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) is a nonprofit organization investigating the safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, and vaccines while advocating for people’s right to informed consent.


“As the founder of the non-profit ICAN I have been on the front lines of a legal battle to keep our children from being forcibly injected with vaccines without parental approval. Even though it is illegal, there are still countless stories of children who were injected without their parents knowing it. This means our children need to be educated about vaccines so they will not be vulnerable to coercion. This book is a beautiful and loving way to begin educating your children about vaccines while protecting their innocence. It might be the one children’s book that could save their life.”
—Del Bigtree, founder & CEO, Informed Consent Action Network, and host of The HighWire

“Dr. Shannon Kroner has been courageous in her efforts to protect vaccine choice. Her book, I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK! pioneers a new genre of children’s books that aims at educating children about truth and freedom and prepares them for citizenship in democracy.”
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr., author of The Real Anthony Fauci

“The choice to remain unvaccinated is a basic human and civil right. This is especially true given the burgeoning rate of vaccine injury in children. No one— particularly a child—should ever be shamed or marginalized for a health choice. This is a children’s book whose time has come. I highly recommend it to all parents who are making the increasingly common choice to keep their children healthy and vaccine free.”
—Christiane Northrup, MD, three-time New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause, and Goddesses Never Age  
“Dr. Kroner has written a must-read children’s book for any family that is finding itself questioning vaccination. This book takes a gentle approach to the topic of vaccination and can easily be used as a conversation starter with doctors, teachers, and family members who may disagree with your vaccination choices.”
—Sam Sorbo, education freedom advocate, author, and filmmaker
“Dr. Kroner has provided the world with a book that serves as an ideal gift for—and from—loving parents who want their children to know that science is for asking questions.”
—Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, IPAK/
“As a pediatrician who personally fights for medical freedom and supports informed consent, I feel that Dr. Kroner has done a beautiful job presenting the importance of vaccine choice in a way that is easy to read and understand for both children and adults. This is a book that should be in every home library and pediatric office. This book does a wonderful job illustrating the importance of parents doing their research. As more people choose to avoid vaccinations for various reasons, this book lets them know they're not alone and that this decision is OK.”
—Paul Thomas, MD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, founder and host of With the Wind: Science Revealed,, cofounder of, and author of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan

 “Dr. Kroner’s perspective on vaccinations and medical freedom is valuable. She advocates for all of us.”
—Ricky Schroder, actor/director/producer/writer; founder of Reel American Heroes Foundation



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